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Benefits of old enterprise hardware?

| My friend works an IT job and her company has be decomming a shitton of their old (2013ish) stuff, so I'm thinking of taking a bunch for free.

I'm not sure if that stuff is going to be power efficient or low power stuff, though, and that's really important for me (energy prices in germany are insane)

| It depends on what you need it for.
I know a lot of software, especially in the enterprise field sadly is either very badly documented, or only sparsely updated.

I often find old systems or OS' spread about in offices because "The software just won't run on new stuff" anymore.

Other than that, I guess having a backup for when shit explodes can't hurt. I personally have a pretty old laptop just in case for whatever.
Just maybe VM instead of running raw.

| >>1015718 i guess it couldn't hurt to use it as an offsite backup

| I use old pc/laptops all the time. I slap linux, usually arch btw, on it. Some run websites for me, some act as a cloud storage/file transfer between my pcs, I use one for a minecraft server, one specifically for a work laptop for coding. I may have a problem tbh, but my room looks pretty lain like at this point so, worth.

| >>1015773
I used to do this, but it came to a point where I saved money on electricity costs by purchasing single-board computers instead.

| >>1015773 pics pls

| >>1015716 Old Hardware especially Enterprise Grade people nowadays can use to built their own home internet with a bunch of services that needed you/your_family/friends. And 2013'sh not that old actually but it depend on what exactly type of Hardware they tried decomis - cause you know Enterprise Hardware is so huge in terms of Hardware... its not only Serves or Network Equipment but also much much more with tailored-specific niche...
BTW you always can resell it on eBay imho.

| >>1015716 Old Hardware especially Enterprise Grade people nowadays can use to built their own home internet with a bunch of services that needed you/your_family/friends. And 2013'sh not that old actually but it depend on what exactly type of Hardware they tried decomis - cause you know Enterprise Hardware is so huge in terms of Hardware... its not only Serves or Network Equipment but also much much more with tailored-specific niche...
BTW you always can resell it on eBay imho.

Total number of posts: 8, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1718254157

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