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Python programing ideals?

| I finished a to do list program and now have no ideal what to do next. I'd say I'm like, intermediate maybe, I just really suck at coming up with ideals.

| Make a game. A tic tac toe, a memory game, a minesweeper

| Yi sang? Is that you?

| Write a program that helps you sort and catalogue all your saved images. It's what I did when I started learning Python and I still use it to this day.

| danger/u/ clone with flask and jinja!

| >>1015743 this actually sounds pretty cool, might do that one

| I wrote something that helped with taking and restoring save game backups

And Also an irc/twitch chat bot

| download all posts from dangeru api and create language model from them

| Django is fun

Total number of posts: 9, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1718028463

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