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Is void Linux any good?

| Thinking of giving it a test drive. Anyone had experience with it?

| On the one hand it's pretty cool and unique, on the other it's not clear why you need it when you have distros like arch or gentoo. void has quite small repositories, its own init system, its own package manager and there is a choice between glibc and musl, but on the desktop musl will only make your life more complicated. packages in repositories are also sometimes quite outdated versions, which can be unpleasant.

| that's the cool distro, don't get me wrong but I just don't see any particular advantages over arch

| I use gentoo btw

| I doubt anyone has, go test it urself and report back

| I think OP was swallowed up by a void

| >>1015871 most likely

| idk man looks like shit for hipsters to me

| Arch without systemd

| >>1015919 more like arch without normal repos
we already have artix for arch without soytemd

| but yeah arch and void are very similar tbh

| I googled rn
void's philosophy is to be stable yet rolling release. I mean it's literally an arch with old packages lol.

Total number of posts: 12, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1718087662

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