Any tips for someone using Linux for the first time?


| Use the terminal

| I want to rice some distro into disgusting weeb shit but what's the point,not like you can game on Linux lmao

| uuuh
like general tips?
idk man, first, what distro are you using?
and yeah try to get used to terminal and things like updating your system trough it

| if you have nvidia graphics you should install proprietary nvidia drivers asap before launching anything heavier than web browser

| Also don't be afraid to ask stupid questions here, I (and most likely a few other gurls) will be happy to help you out there with linux stuff

| Dont try to make it into windows, ie dont use wine to run windows apps (especially something stupid like notepad++, lmao LTT). Use the linux native alternatives instead.

Also avoid going onto specific websites to download software, ie dont download discord from discord.com. All of the software you need is probably already in the repositories/app store/software manager that came with your OS, you can just intall it from there. Websites are last resort.

| Read tha wiki

| cut people who want you to use arch/nixos out of your life immediately. opensuse is on thin fucking ice

| Googling is ur friend, if you just want to use it casually then you don't really need to learn too much besides how to download/install/update, but if you want to use it for more, then I'll give you some good YouTube tutorials

| you gotta do a lotta learning, but i think it's worth it. even if you do have questions that you think are silly, ask them anyways, us g/u/rls will help out ;)

| I would start with Debian if it was the first time using linux kernel

| i think linux mint is one of the best distros, especially for people new to linux. i've been tempted from my uber leet arch linux dwm custom install, it's *that* good imo

| Dive head first into Arch and don't come back until you have a GUI. It's easy if you're good at following instructions from a wiki and you learn a bit about general system administration stuff and the shell in the process.

| >>1011523 get the fuck out of this textboard

| >>1011526
Arch is a great distro and the wiki is useful. You get the fuck out, you smelly contrarian.

| >>1011523 I literally did this last year, 0 regret and so much fun. Fuck win 10, I'd rather use any shitfuck OS over that

| Just use any flavor of Ubuntu.
Mint has a lot of outdated packages in their repository, and they instead recommend installing flatpaks. The issue with that is something as trivial as GIMP will take up 2GB of storage space.

| >>1011523 also did this a couple years ago after getting frustrated with "beginner friendly" distros, although I was bad at following instructions from a wiki and using a cli at the time and went for archinstall, it made linux finally click for me

Total number of posts: 19, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1713535143

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