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I need to make money off YT SHORTS fast!!!!

| I'm still in school so I want to already establish myself as a content creator and I am uploading YouTube shorts almost everyday. I make videos about Windows Phone, mayonnaise as thermal compound, Linux, everything that gets traction. I have invested $300 into a camera so I can do 4k but I'm running out of content. Also people complain about my face and voice but I personally think that they should know who I am since I want to get famous and well known

| use that 300 dollar camera on photography

i hear wedding photographers can extort bank from people for mere mediocre jobs or just straight scams in some circumstances, and ive heard its quite fun

but fr also get a boring job to keep your rent paid because any side hustle using a camera (be it still shots to live streams) is just that- a side hustle

| :(

| https://careers.mcdonalds.com

| Study some photography and learn photoshop. Then do whatever u want with your new skills. Although weddings and birthdays are great for cashgrabs and give your "work experience" to put in your resume.

| Good luck when YT die in 5 year

| ^ false, but valid concern

which is why i vote for you to get into general photography too

| my personal pessimism isnt about a platform dying, but about ai

>please for the love of elona dont turn this into an ai good/bad thread, i know and agree that ai in general is an advancement, merely that ai image genration devalues human photography/art creation in some people's eyes

| >>1011035 nice argument. however,
*ai generates a picture of you playing elona poorly*

| >>1011035 who are you quoting

Total number of posts: 10, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1712815267

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