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Getting music rights

| How to get music rights to old songs to not get dmcad

| If you just need music for a project, there's many services like artist.io that give you a library of stuff to use once you subscribe. That's honestly not a bad option. Another good source of music for projects is any friends you may have. If you're looking to include a specific song in your projects, different labels have different ways they license out tunes, so it's hard to give advice beyond to check their site.

| old music from the 1910s is public domain right?

| >>926330 yes, but whoever preformed the music also has rights to their performance of the piece. Even if you use a piece that has entered the public domain, you can still get hit (unless the recording is also from the 1910s).

Total number of posts: 4, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1666730482

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