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What are your favorite rap prods rn?

| Mine is EvilGiane and 7evaa

| Jpegmafia, Denzel (plz end numerology arc), Danny brown, Butch Dawson, shakewell and slowthai if I'm high

| >>901905 Shakewell is so fucking underrated

| I prefer Stillpoor

| >>901897
if never understood if ripsquad is just an individual or if it is a collective (7evaa, rip & lusi)

| >>902175 ripsquad used to be a single individual who used to go by the name 1exposed and now 7evaa. Then he became friends with lusii and they became the ripsquad as the collective. Now in 2022 there are 2 more members such as Skysss and Distance Decay. But essentially they produce under the same name which we all know as ripsquad

Total number of posts: 6, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1665823978

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