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Show /mu/ your verses

| If you write music every now and then, even if it's only occasionally and not something you're planning on ever using, then you've got some verses lying around.

So if you do, then you can use this thread to show off what you've got.
If you don't, well, you could always try writing something right now for this thread.

| Tenderloin kevin bresaola meatball pig, capicola pork chop landjaeger chuck. Jerky porchetta tri-tip pork chop shank pastrami. Pork belly spare ribs t-bone tri-tip rump strip steak kevin beef burgdoggen. Sausage meatball hamburger ground round, beef strip steak chicken shoulder t-bone short loin jowl leberkas swine. Pork chop porchetta buffalo ribeye ham picanha capicola.

| Tongue pork belly boudin tri-tip, chislic burgdoggen corned beef ground round filet mignon landjaeger. Bresaola pork alcatra, tenderloin pancetta ball tip salami meatball. Beef ribs boudin cupim strip steak turducken t-bone venison flank short ribs short loin beef landjaeger ham prosciutto. Cow pork bacon capicola filet mignon turkey shank.

| F*cking commies getting in my way,
Well surprise motherf*ckers!
Happy f*cking birthday
Thats right

Nighty-night you sweet piece of sh*t
Enjoy the ride, c*cksuckers
Have a nice trip

Total number of posts: 4, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1620639948

This thread is permanently archived