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Doja Cat

| What's you g/u/rls thoughts?

| Boring shit lmao

| >>747985

| Wanna smash tbh

| >>748104
Even more understandable

| i liked "bitch im a cow" :D

| zoomer crap. wanna smash?

| >>748226
That was, certainly something. I remember when that shit was released. Kinda weird to think about how she went from sitting in her bedroom with a green screen in a cow costume with some McDonald's to being one of the biggest artists in the industry.

Sure. Why not.

| >>748230
actionless words!

| makes catchy music imo

| Never heard about her till now, and after listening her latest song, I can tell it'll be the last I listen, I'm not into trap music.

>>748104 I get ya, reminds me of Nicki Minaj, but without the plastic-looking butt

| >>748729
Yeah, true. It definitely ain't random that she blew up.

I'm, honestly not sure what her latest song is, but that's fair.

| >>748754 not been releasing any new music because she's been releasing MVs for all of her Hot pink album songs

| she doesn't act like a celebrity.

Some of her looks in her music videos are nice. The fact she can pull off so many different styles of wigs is amazing to me.

I like her music, more than like dua lipa or smth

| >>748775
Yeah, that's what I thought, so I was confused trying to understand, like, what her latest song was, because she hasn't released in a while.

True. She doesn't. She just kinda acts like, well, like an actual person.

100% agreed. She can pull off so many different styles that it honestly makes me kinda jealous.

Fair, fair.

| gostosa fodase

| I only listened Say so Japanese Version, I watched the original clip. Huh sorry but I will not watch anymore any of her clips, thou she might do some music with great retro instrumental again ?

| >>749738
The Rainych Japanese cover? If so, that one was amazing. Better than the original in my opinion.
She might. That would be nice.

Total number of posts: 18, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1617470335

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