Post number #1049272, ID: 699d9a
And ended up with song about suicide, song about cannibalism and song about school shooting. What the fucking wrong with me? I'm normal dude, who never got bullied at school and has a strong mental health. But... why my attempts to create something always ended up with a really fucked up themes to speak about?
Post number #1049292, ID: 75ad50
Post number #1049304, ID: 3ff2b4
>>1049272 don't worry silly i will help you!
open chatgpt and write:
Please make me a song with this lyrics: [...] but is about suicide, cannibalism and school shooting, can you please fix it to being cute?
i believe it will works! ^^ i would be curious to see original text and new one
Post number #1049348, ID: 75ad50
Oh fun! I think you fix things to being cute!
Post number #1049356, ID: 280592
>>1049272 because you suck at writing lyrics?
Post number #1049362, ID: 3ff2b4
>>1049348 yes, if you have cute patch you can fix anything xd
Post number #1049426, ID: 75ad50
X3 that’s really true
Post number #1049726, ID: e8a24e
>>1049272 so edgy uwu. Maybe try the reccommendations from the other g/u/rls to make it more cute? You don't even have to change the themes to make it cute!!!!^ω^ Would love to read your lyrics!!!!!
Total number of posts: 8,
last modified on:
Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1742889950
| And ended up with song about suicide, song about cannibalism and song about school shooting.
What the fucking wrong with me? I'm normal dude, who never got bullied at school and has a strong mental health. But... why my attempts to create something always ended up with a really fucked up themes to speak about?