What is your favorite album?

| Mine is "Αστικές Προβολές" by ΔΠΘ

| I'm a g/url/ on the internet, so obviously my favorite album is "Draining Love Story" by Sewerslvt (now Cynthoni). Also, yes I do cut myself if anyone was wondering!

| >>1042248 ohhh! Good taste, mine is we had good times together.

| >>1042248
Draining love story is one of the most albums on the internet

| No cut! No cut! Anti cut patrol! Wee woo wee woo you’re under arrest! We’re confiscating your skin and making you wear (cute) chain mail!
I don’t like jungle it’s too scary anyway hmph I don’t like music at all! I’m tired!

| >>1042248

| Too autistic for all time favourite but my favourite from last year is September's Spirit by Overpade

| Oh I was in the car yesterday and liked bring me to life by effervescence! I bet I Like the album that’s from!

| Let It Enfold You by Senses Fail

| There's no way I can narrow it down to just one considering how my musical taste changes and flips every second month but "Semaphora" by Buddha Sentenza is one of my alltime favorites.

| Gaburger !!! from Gezebelle Gaburgabubly (or how tf she writes her damn name)

| I have several albums I love very much, but the album that always comes to my mind when I hear that question is "Gregory and The Hawk - Moenie and Kitchi"
I fucking love the autumn atmosphere

| Hmmm probably Chaser by femtanyl!

| >>1042662
It's pretty good desu

| >>1042682 I'm glad you like it too!

| >>1042673 YAYYY FEMTANYL

| Omg so cute I have to like her now too!

| My favorite album is BEACON by Susumu Hirasawa desu yo

| >>1043041 Susumu Hirasawa is THE GOAT

Total number of posts: 19, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1738988903
