VA-11 Hall-A OST!!

| Grooves

| I might have to put it on my phone!

| Absolute gold, every day is night is a fuxking banger
Also, Your love is a drug and Snowfall are extremely lovely and timeless classics

| meh

| I looked in the files and i didn't see the OST. I googled it and there was a site you had to pay to download from. It's over.

| Never mind! khinsider.com let me download them individually without paying

| >>1031243

| I like the save jingle

| >>1031252
I asked chat GTP and SHE said you were just trying to trick me because IP addresses only go up to 255 so it wasn't a real IP address hmph!! but I did download all of it already
I'm sure you were being nice, thanks g/u/rl

| >>1031116
You have excellent taste if I may say so

Total number of posts: 10, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1729907278

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