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Should trans kids be allowed to watch CIS?

| I figure being trans got nothing to do with it because they're just going to where their heart tells them to go but I figure kids might not enjoy watching CIS as much as adults

| Source?

| Where are the proofs?

| My deepest apologies but I lack sources to confirm any correlations between enjoying american forensics crime dramas and being trans. I started this thread as a mere but serious attempt at fostering a debate about a certain popular topic on this site. (A popular forensic crime drama I see mentioned all the time)

| However due to the shows mature themes, graphic content, complex storylines, adult language and behavior and the shows moral ambiguties it is unlikely that many children would resonate with such a show.

Total number of posts: 5, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1722883686

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