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Pent up pup

| Not my cup of tea music-wise, but it is really faggy and I respect that. A lot of people are malding and calling them a zoophile when it's obvious they're just talking about furries fucking. The actual music is still kinda ass though tbh.

| Much complaining about zoophilia and how many are vegan? curious...

| You're too faggy for my taste

| all of their songs are unironically in my playlist that i play when the oomfs are gone, i hate that i have the lyrics memorized by heart.

just recently they came outta nowhere to drop a new song too before pride month ended lol

| >>1020446 the style isn't my thing but I really dig that they're super open about themself and their sexuality in the music. You can tell it's good alternative queer music because a lot of straight people are REALLY angry about it.

| Finally listened. Most of it was about the passive role idk how they’re going to get an animal to edge them.

If I’m not called a pretty girl in the next month I’m going to cut my face off and release a country-metal album called “break into the zoo and rape the elephants” and they’ll REALLY see what happens when you fuck with me!!!!

| >>1020555 I think you might just be a lil stupid, bro. It's very obviously not actual animals.

| >>1020595
H-hrmph that’s sis to you and you are GOING on the list unless you d-do something like you know…

| >>1020598 sorry sis, my bad. But I'm curious what exactly the list is for and what you want me to do to stay off it>:3c

| It’s embarrassing… forget I said anything- I’m not really mad at you at all! Uh is there any more music you like? Just you know if y-you wanted to share

| >>1020634 no need to embarrassed! Mwah mwah! I also like femtanyl and poor man's poison :3

| Omg omg mmmmmmwwah I-I like you gurl

| You think elephant bitch would even feel ur tiny human peen???

| >>1020789 wtf are you even on about

| >>1020789
I’m NOT dumb gurl I c-considered this and I’ll uhm use my whole body if I have to!! So DON’T call me dumb!

| >>1020819 we found the ultra bottom

Total number of posts: 16, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1721690905

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