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MagiMemo: Darkside of the Moon SEASON 2 ANNOUNCED

| You read the title, the most Kino anime of the decade is getting a season 2, after languishing for literally ten years, Magi Memo is finally getting back on the road chummers!! I'm stoked to see where season 2 will go, especially since it was announced that Terror-chan would be stepping in as the protagonist following the events of the final arc of S1. I can't wait to see how they treat her after she was the rival for so long, it'll be fresh for sure!!

| No way, the villan becomes a hero? Never saw that one coming. The Manga was better.

| Didn't they blow up the moon in the first season??

| >>993213
Yeah, which is why Sublime-Chan had to become the moon at the end of the last arc to save the mascot race that turn girls into magical girls! It was such an emotional moment when her Terror, as her rival learned of her plan and had that emotional scene... Those scenes were masterpieces in the truest sense!!

Seriously, Nichiasa truly is the Gentleman's animation bloc, magical girl anime is deep.

| >>993288
Aha, now that you mention it I seem to recall it was building up to something like that. You see, I'm one of those people who skip the last episode of a show I don't want to end. As long as I there's unwatched episodes I don't have to deal with anemoia or feelings of emptiness. Guess I forgot about that, huh.

To me the show ended with that bathing scene. You know which one I'm talking about.

| >>993292
Ahhh, yeah I get the feeling, that's a pretty good way to watch things, I'll admit I still haven't finished a few games because of that.

Also, glad to see other cultured individuals remember that scene o7

| >>993292
All I'm hearing is that you purposefully ignored the greatest season finale AND episode of animation ever produced because of some silly reason. If Season 2 is even 1% as good as the finale of S1 we are in for the best show ever made.

| >>993762
Hey, as long as there's unwatched episodes the show will never end!

| >>994092
Just sounds to me like a massive cope to avoid facing the truth. People like you are why 80% of popular stories can't just end and exist as finished product!

| >>994441
Popular series never gets resolved anyway. I bet ya NONE of the romance subplots got resolved in the last episode of MagiMemo either, because they never do! It always goes back to the status quo.

If you disagree, name 3 popular series that ended the story AND the romance in an acceptable way. I bet you can't.

| >>994523
Neo Noir, it was the entire point.

Atropos, because if that didn't get resolved all of us were gonna riot.


RedRedRedrum, even though the definition of 'acceptible' is admittedly a bit bent there.

Total number of posts: 11, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1705158758

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