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I've been hearing weird stuff from my lilim wife...

| My wife is a lilim, a DFC model. We live in midnight, near the waterfront and everything has been peachy... or well had been, but since that fog started showing up in the distance. ever since then, my wife's been acting weird, she tells me that sometimes she can hear /something/ coming from the distance, voices she doesn't recognize, talking about stuff she doesn't know anything about. she sees some things too, and frankly it's scaring us bad. I'm wondering if it's a software thing

| I'm really wondering what the hell we should be doing, it's obvious my wife doesn't like it, and to be honest it's really creeping her out... anyone ever had anything similar happen to them or a Lilim acquaintance?? We could really use the advice.

Thanks in advance..

| You should format her brains out and install bimbofication modules.

| >>982707
I don't think he'd like to be arrested for formatting a sentient person and literally brainwashing her, fucko. Maybe you're from outside the city, but here lilim have this little thing called "Rights" might of heard of those, if you head wasn't filled with porn BDs and Fetish garbage.

| Sure is great when the only decent place you can live keeps just getting worse.

Yeah okay, I'll look into this. Hope you're looking at this, Cain!

| >>982707
>Bimbofying a DFC model
That is a stupid idea, at least make it one of em with a bit more... Ya know?

| >>982996
You can shut up too.

| >>982759
What's funny is, and I know this is just a joke, at least I hope it is, if you format her and wipe everything...then install bimbo modules, they won't even do anything because there's no base personality anymore.
Extra funny when the cloud sych kicks in and she kicks your ass the second the builtin anti-maleware generates.

You'd better hope the cops get to you first. xD Too many sleep on meat vs metal.

| I'm friend with a lilim who works in a gloryhole :D

| >>983496
Y'all exchange your liquid and life stories at the same time?

| Install Linux.

Total number of posts: 11, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1698962400

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