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Downtown is only getting worse

| Anyone telling you otherwise is wrong, they're finally letting in some first responders? Who cares, won't save the blocks burning away or the damn petrol leaks, won't even stop the illness and repair the roads.

'tleast we have net, but how long till the service crashes or somethin'?

It's fucked.

| Hoping some rain comes in and washess it all off eh?

| >>981342
You don't have to worry about that. We have contingencies in place. If nothing else communications will be available.

Assuming this fog is just fog, should it spread.

| Whats going on, they rolling out the tank police downtown?

| Ready to bug-out, everyone?

| Dude I am fuckin geekin'out downtown bruh

Total number of posts: 6, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1698172355

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