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Body enhancements?

| I'd personally go for one updated eye and both arms replaced with something much better, improved function without needing muscle mass.
What would you guys do?

| Skeletal replacements.
Needed a more tame, non-organic skeleton.

| >>976349
I got my whole spine replaced to have auto-injectors and stuff, works really well when you have to deal with pressure or have to take medication at all times.

| I got some miltech legs and arms, but that's cus I got blown to hell and the corp owed me. Pretty good, came with strings attached though.

| C O C K

| >>976374
That's a story I wanna hear.

| >>976374
milftech? sick

| >>976387
Basically a ganger in Pulse at the time and got lured in to a trap. Well I didn't but a friend I had did and unlike my other team member I went back for them. Lost my arms and legs in the process. However the friend was a corp heir who had a penchant for getting in to gang stuff so at least for trying the corp gave me some of their high end augs. But was kind of used as a free stress test for their equipment

| Computer neural interface. No need to use your senses anymore to acquire knowledge.

| >>976415
Dang, lucky Chummer you are.

Didja atleast make sure they don't got any kill switches in there? You never know with corpo rats.

| >>976445
Yeah. I made sure no drm. Only thing was the trackers. I got a way to remove it but that makes em a bit slower and I'm locked out for some program hacker stuff

Total number of posts: 11, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1695506381

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