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Another fire...

| Yesterday the block next to mine was razed after a police raid, apparently some kinda biohazard was found and the guys holding it almost dumped it into the water supply... some guys in Yellow came and asked me a few questions and gave me pamphlet and all that... anyone else seen this shit happening? I feel like it was a hot topic on this board back in the days...

| >>973331
fuckers torched chapel-3 few years back.......wanted to lead a search/retrieve effort but didnt have support

how bads it this time??????


| >>973823
It's pretty bad, apparently they're passing notices for evictions and cleaning ops in Downtown, no ETA on when but me and my man got told we needed to leave our place soon...

| >>973899
where you at???????couldnt get a crew together then but maybe now.........


| >>973913
Err, yeah the Area is around Clinton and Jinston in DT, there's a big AEON mall near my place, that's where they started with their notices...

| The last time I mentionned any of this, I got sent like seven E-mails from the GCPD saying my accounts had been flagged for "dangerous misinformation"... shit's crazy man, literally 1984...

| >>973823
I actually live near the block in Chap-3; the one that got carbonized, I still see some cops patrol there sometimes y'know?

I think that's where they're keeping their mind wash tech and shit, you know? the thing QUINCY uses to make his suits work twice as hard without ever raising any questions?

| >>973976
Conspiracy nut spotted, mad you dont get the cushy office job? If you seriously think those people are working cuz of mind scrambler than you obviously are crazy.
They're working hard because of the blood rituals and satanic gifts the elite gives them >>>OBVIOUSLY

| holy shit

| We also got fliers around Main Station
Apparently they're closing the streets soon.
For an operation of that size though I ain't seen any cops around at all.
It's like the calm before the storm.

| This is obviously anm attempt to distract people from the great work of our officers.

| >>974266
Weird how your IP traces back to the GCPD station :) get out of here fudd, go back to sucking Zaibatsu's chrome dick.

| >>974444
Janny, Janny; thanks for cleaning up the mess!
Main got that drek too? I'm on waterfront near the high-way, they ain't closing us down but there's some kind of planned drill near the old hospital.

| This fire is out of control, I'm gonna burn this city, burn this city!

Total number of posts: 14, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1694691342

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