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Snow fight!

| Meet me at the neko park tomorrow! We can throw snowballs at each other!

| The Environment Glitch city has, it basically be a duel to the death...


| Don't forget to clear the snow before making them into balls.

| I want to, but i'm sick ;-;

| I'm bringing a snow gun!


| kill me please *hugs snow gun*

| I'll bring an actual gun!

| kill me please *hugs actual gun*

| I don't want to get sick... I have stuff to do!

| >>933724 too late, i'm sick *hugs you and kiss you*

| >>933735
I'm going to throw a snowman at your face.

| >>933769
Joke's on you, the snowman's also sick.

Total number of posts: 13, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1671157738

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