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[Police chatter] Broadband J-3

| >"I say, Jacques aren't you a bit pale today? Not enough sleep or something"
>"Yeah, goddamn compulsory overtime, you know how it goes"
>"Yeah it sure is rough, especially when I get stationed at Jinston for it, with the superstar cop herself"
>"Chanka? You worked with her? Jeez why didn't you tell me!"
>"It's karma man, for that last week, you heard about the leak and the panic right?"
>"Wasn't it minor?"
>"Yeah, but we still got a message from high-up who weren't happy"

| >"Speaking of Minors, how was the little major? Got to see why people in her squad look like statues?"
>"Nah, it wasn't all that long, but I swear she ate about ten candy bars in the four hours I was there... Also, I noticed th precinct has stools all over it"
>"Jacques Fuck off, that's not real is it"
>"Real as hell"
>There's chuckling over the lines, which evolves into full blown laughter.
>"Stools, goddamn stools! Of course!"
>More laughter

| >"Oh yeah, I also got to see her all dolled up in her Type 1 dress uniform, its custom made"
>'Jacques' resumes talking after the bout of hilarity
>"Bet she looked like a real officer huh?"
>Irony, its quite palpable
>"Yeah, but get this, she had a 4 by 3 ribbon plate"
>"What is she, a navy commander? Bet they were candy wrappers and not real medals"
>"Wouldn't know, I heard they dropped medals when the WKs went down"
>"Yeah, fair enough."

| >A third voice
>"She had a white star under her lapel right?"
>"What was that Thorson?"
>"Under her lapel, left side, over the breast pocket, little ribbon with a white star thing"
>"Yeah, she did, why?"
>"That's a Service Cross, means she was indeed in the White Knights, combatant status too."
>"Oh yeah? How do you know?"
>"Because I wear mine all the time idiot, look under my Insign"
>"I always forget you were a Knight Thorson"

| >"Because pretty much everyone wants to forget, EDEN was that bad."
>"Not you?"
>"Nah, I ain't got nothing to feel bad about, I never took bribes, never beat innocent people too. I did my job well."
>"Mister model man then, can you tell us more about the medals Tachanka wears?"
>"Sure, describe them to me"
>"How about the one underneath her ribbon plate, the octogonal gold one with a raised center?"
>"Medal of Honorable service, 10 years, I got that one too"
>">>>10 years"

| >"yeah, ten whole years gets you that one, and a pocket watch"
>"Wait so how old even is Superstar cop anyway? Ten sounds far fetched as hell"
>"Yeah, try eight."
>Another voice patches through, with a thick french accent
>"This is liaison officer Villefort, reporting in, over"
>The sound of someone pulling out a transceiver is heard
>"This is sergeant Jacques Dontingni from J-3, you got something for us Villefort?"
>"Hey VF, what's up man"
>The first, yet unnamed voice chips out

| >"Nothing yet to report as for jobs, over"
>Villefort says
>"But I do have an answer to your question about Officer Chanka, over"
>"Oh yeah? And how do you even know we were talking about her?"
>"You should ask your mother Patrol Officer Samuel, I see her very often, Over"
>"Dude that's low, right guys, cmon man"
>"Shut up sam, alright VF, how do you know the Major's age?"
>"I work as Jinston's Liaison officer and have to deal with the Major daily, over"
>"Oh yeah."

| >"Well then go ahead Villefort, tell us"
>"I actually have a good relationship with the Major, I dislike sweet things and as such whenever something too sweet for me makes its way into my lunchbox I have a habit to gift it to Major, Over"
>"What are you, domesticating her?"
>'Samuel' says in the background
>"Patrol Officer Samuel, you are granted permission to shut the fuck up during my story, Over"
>"... Man what did I do to you??"
>"So anyway..."

| >"because of this, the Major once came to return the favor and offered me some cake, it was birthday cake Over"
>"Wow, Chanka sharing sweets? You're a legend VF"
>Thorson mutters in the background
>"How'd you know it was birthday cake"
>"She had Two party hats on her horns and said it was her birthday, Over"
>"Holy fuck! Jacques, that's so good, holy fuck!"
>"Oh god my sides"
>Sam and Jacques are obviously losing it imagining the Oni Major in "birthday apparel"

| >"I asked her how old she was and she looked really proud when she said Thirty-six, Over"
>Silence as the laughter winds down
>"What? Nah no way, VF you're fucking with us"
>"Permission granted to suck my cock Patrol Officer Samuel, I wouldn't lie like this, I'm not you, Over"
>"Man fuck you, why do I get flak for this shit??"
>"Put a hand over your fat ass heart and ask again, Over"
>Chuckling from both Thorson and Jacques is heard in the background
>Samuel grumbles

| >"So she's thirty-six then?"
>Thorson asks the liaison officer once more
>"Yes that's 10-4, Thirty-six is what she said, Over"
>"Yeah tell me about it"
>"That's like... Older than me"
>"Villefort, thanks for the info"
>"Yes, Over and out"
>The transceiver makes a rattling sound over wheb it gets out back into its tray.
>"Man, fuck that guy, still mad because I thought his wife was hot"
>"Yeah yeah Sam, quit bitching"
>"You did deserve it man"
>The infostream cuts.

| Officer Chanka needs to stop showing off in her military uniform, it's too cute and makes me want to pat her head while she lectures me and hands me a fine!!

Total number of posts: 12, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1621328854

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