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Now Hiring for Craig's Oldies But Goodies!

| This is Craig Ez Fuloshi owner of Craig's Oldies But Goodies!

We're looking for poor sons of bitches to dig through trash and haggle with people to find some old games! If you love these old games, you're fine with DIGGING 'em like you're one of the bored archeologists out there who've fuckin' found everything!

So come on down if you're looking for extra cash! I pay 80 Dollars a Day!

- Craig Ez Fuloshi

| If you're alright with someone with a mean glare, I can sure come in.

| >imagine using dollar
>you better pay them zennies, not that cheap drek

Total number of posts: 3, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1614216465

This thread is permanently archived