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Terran's Revolution Survival Guide

| Got bored so here's some helpful (?) Tips to surviving a revolution happening near you;

1. Please remain in doors if you are aware of any riots happening near your location. Avoid the windows, check news coverage and listen for gunfire. If your devices are still functional please contact your local law enforcement and make sure you're armed. Just in case.

| 2. If the terrorist, revolutionaries, malfunctioning machines are winning you and pose a threat to your safety. GTFO. Determine the safest route to your nearest sanctuary, if you are flying you best check if your air/space port are functional. That's when things get tricky.

| 3. Travel in a group, they are your meat shields if you come across any snipers, lots of targets mean lots of people to focus on which would leave you enough time to make a escape or if you're packing a plasma rifle you could blast them right back.

| 4. Don't run, that draws attention. Only run if you know for sure your life is in danger. You'll be easier to spot if you are the one running which can generate enough excitement from the crowd to actually chase you. Repeat run only when you are in danger.

| Don't run, you'll die tired.

| What's a Terran?

Total number of posts: 6, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1613539012

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