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(Setting) St. Miriam All Female High School

| >Many things can be said about Glitch City, most of them unpleasant. Hovewer, in the modern age of technological singularity, where progress outpaces the society's ability to adapt to it, there is one and one only system of education that due to some miracle keeps up the pace.

| >That is Glitch City Department of Education. And even amongst the many, surprisingly successful despite the constant chaos and destruction that reigns the city, educational organizations, like a beautiful jewel shines the Saint Miriam's All Female High School — a two kilometer square campus in the middle of Uptown.

| >Two large school buildings, a pool, a gym, a botanic garden and even a small park — St. Miriam All Female High School is one of if not the most prestigious school in the entire city. Your social standing, your money, your connection — none of it has any meaning within the school walls. Only one's merit, one's beauty and one's sharp mind will get you on the top here.

| >According to one of the most recent sociological studies, Uptown, of all the Glitch City's districts has been noted to have the highest amount of same-sex couples recorded. Whether this fact has any connection to the St. Miriam All Female High School's presence in the district is up to one's judgement — but looking at the school campus today one would simply has to agree, that among all the lilies enjoying their lunch right now, there is no way that love can't bloom.

| >One of those lilies, a frail looking 5'4" albino flower of a lady, with two large vermillion eyes radiating on her face, pale and lovely, surmounted by a waterfall of beige silky hair. Her indigo St. Miriam uniform was tastefully crafted and adjusted to signify the very standart of how a lady of St. Miriam's ought to be dressed. And it was only natural, for the doll-like lady relaxing on one of the benches in the school garden was no other than Lily Liebesgarten —

| > — the St. Miriam All Female High School Student President. Many adored her, many envied her — but none could truly bring herself to hate the Student Council President, such was the charm of Lily Liebesgarten.

>Today she was, rather uncharacteristically, enjoying her lunch break alone, far from all the other girls. Soft sunlight warmly patting her head only highlighted the paleness of her face — unable to scare away the shadow of mysterious worry painted over it.

| "How unusual, President."

> Emanating from behind, a 5'6 figure sways a silvery hair. The figure walks closer to the president, steps and gaits making forms that can hardly be denied as elegant and trained. The pale skin radiates back the sunlight in a different aura, a feature no different from the president herself.

"Pardon this disturbance-"

> After coming to the president, she gave an exemplary bow in front of her. In her hands are two items: a lunch box, and clipped papers.

| > At first, her ember eyes spark persistence, but as it settles onto the president, they bore fascination -- towards the school's top, no less.

"-I have a few matters to discuss, regarding the upcoming events--"

> Her eyes find the time to be improper; why, of course a lady wouldn't disturb another in a break.

"However, let us settle this after a meal has been had."

> She smiles.

| >Lily raised her head, movement soft and gentle, to look at the newcomer. She smiled, and so frail was her appearance that it seemed almost like a feat of titanic strength akin to the Atlas supporting the globe. However, albeit warm, that smile was not of happiness, but of sadness.
"Truth pe told, I couldn't find it in myzelf to eat," — >she gestured weakly, inviting the other girl to sit on the bench beside her — the President's own lunch box left untouched.

| >a certain head of green hair can be seen amongst the various plant life and foliage, humming a idle tune
"Doo da dee~"
>as she wanders around in search of some place to eat
>having been lucky enough to get some prized food or other that the cafeteria almost always runs out of within seconds she is Definitely in a good mood due to her victory
>maybe if someone gives her a place to eat at she would be willing to share?

| >>654236
> It would have been rude to leave the President anymore second to wait. The girl took the seat, making use of the space as best she can to manage their distance. A distance not nearing too far nor too close - moderate; balanced, as it should be.

"What would be the matter, President? Let me hear, if you may."

> She idly let the papers rest upon her hips, now her hands have begun unearthing her lunch; a modest rice and few sauteed vegetables, a palette of muted greens.

| >Lily didn't answer immediately. Her right hand was playing idly with her hair, as she watched the green haired girl bop up and down behind the growth in the distance. President's vermillion eyes grew distant and lost some of their light, making her look like she wasn't there — just a porcelain doll someone left forgotten on the garden bench.

| "Zay, Cynzia, do vu rememper Milly Markneith? Zat cheerfull zecond grader, sche von zee muzical condest last year?" — >Lily's voice grew heavier with each sentence,
— "Sche liffes on zee zame floor I do in zee dormitory? Zee one zat... didn't come to zee dormidory ein month ago?"
>Albino girl picked up her lunch box and put it on the other side of the bench. And then shortened the distance to the other girl.

| >Today's Lily was very much unlike herself. She was always the one to remain composed, proper, modest. But now? Now she was like a tiny cup of cut glass, balancing desperately at the very edge of the table — when just a breath would be enough to........

| >>654252
"I wonder..."

> The shortened distance throttles her surprise; it was, for sure, bewildering for the President to cut the distance -- even more so during these topics, wherein fragility is found everywhere -- a field of broken glass for her to traverse.

"Milly— I certainly remember the name; I have never agreed with her ideals, but I have been proven wrong by her. A cumbersome fellow. What about her?"

| >>654240
> Cynthia let her sight wander, tracking a single green-hair close by. Her memory runs a trail to remember the girl's name. For sure, hers were no match for the President, but if for once given the chance, perhaps this is an ability she has?

"... Hm. Could it be--"

> She murmurs, slowly rejoining the chatter between her and the President. That was rude of her, to dismiss a conversation like that.

| >>654256
>what was her name again...?
>emerging from the shrubbery you can see her fully
>wearing the standard uniform for st Miriam and a knee length skirt, one must keep modest after all!
>her looks are fairly standard, save for the bright peach colored dahlia nestled atop her short green hair
>ah right, her name was nemia was it? Yes Definitely nemia..!
>she has some jagaimo bread to go along with her packed lunch, looking around for a place to have said lunch

| >>654255
>Lily slowly reached for the badge on her chest and took it off, gazing upon it, or maybe simply through it, as if it was something she saw for the first time in her life. Her pale finger were so thin, it was almost possible to see the rays of the sun go right through them.
"Totay police called zee school Hadministrazion. Zey... zey are calling off zee zearch for Milly." — >President let out with a strain in her voice, awfully familiar to Cynthia and many other students.

| >But Lily made no attempt to reach for her inhaler. Instead, she forced herself to continue, as if too absorbed to even notice her state:
"Zaid zey don't haffe enough... people to look for her pecauze of zee Glitz Huprizing." — >She drew in breath, with just a hint of the horrifying wheezing creeping into the sound of her voice,
— "Cynzia, vat... vat schould I do? I am zuppozed to look afder zee schtudents, right?"

| >Lily's breath sped up, turning into short, strained draws — tint of red forming on her cheeks and framing her vermillion eyes. She tightened her grip on the badge, causing its edges to bite into her skin:
"B-put, Hefferyone... zey all act like... like sche... like sche is..." — >President's voice became weaker and weaker with every word, turning into heavy, coarse whisper intermixed with strained attempts to draw in breaths,
— "dead?.."
>A drop of pastel sapphire landed the badge.

| >>654470

> The sharp turn of event shook the mental clarity from Cynthia. The whites of her eyes centres the orbs catching the rush of blood and changes in breath. No medical personnel is needed to know the state of the President at this occuring moment.

"President, please stay composed!"

> All the students, or most, will know of Lily's health. This condition, is no mere joke when twined with a panic attack. She scatters and scan to find an inhaler near Lily — fast.

| >>654472
"I.. I..." — >Lily's speech completely collapsed into an uncontrollable sobbing mixed with heavy wheezing breath — one that grants no air, only pain.
>President was always exceptionally careful about her health, even more so than the people around her. When her condition resurfaced after enrolling into St. Miriam — despite the costly and prolonged course of difficult genetic treatment that was her parents last gift to Lily, she made sure said gift would not be wasted.

| >She always had not one, but two inhalers on her: one she would normally tuck away into a chest pocket on her jacket or into the pocket of her P.E. uniform, and the one she wore around her neck at all times. When attacks gradually begun to increase in severity, Lily got herself a wristwatch that would keep track of her vitals and automatically contact authorities should the worst come to pass. Sadly, this wasn't a guarantee of survival.

| >None of it was big of a secret. Still, not many people outside of the student council knew of the President's deteriorating health. Among the council members, it was seen as tactless to mention it, be it in Lily's presence or otherwise. Still, most of them tried to keep her safe, each in their own way.

| > Cynthia took her advice for herself. Assessing the situation in its big picture; she sees the multiple choices arising, as though as list of radio buttons, she assesses them to the best of her memory.

> Swiftly, she tucks to see whether any inhaler is available near Lily. She hasn't risked the option to leave the president to inform any responsible authorities -- yet.

| >>654517
>Sure enough, she quickly finds one in the President's chest pocket. Pulling it out would likely require a bit of a hands-on approach.

| >the girl having found a seat close behind to the president and co, yet not in eyesight of them simply sits there and has her lunch.as the president talks about her woes she is left listening as what may as well be the plot of some yuri novel unfolds behind her.

>in the back of her head she feels bad about incidentally becoming a peeping tom but if she were to move now they would Definitely hear her and that would be awkward!

>so she sits...Dang if only she had popcorn!

| >>654539
> Upon finding the inhaler, her hand slowly moves. Her slow breathing paces to be careful towards the President, lest she do any harm towards her.

"P-president-- please excuse this act I commit."

> She reaches for the breast pocket. Slowly, not showing any wavering.

| > Her hand lays upon the pocket. Unwary of this implication, her hand has nestled until they find the inhaler, taking it out and presenting it to herself.

> Knowing the state of the President, she didn't need any question. Saving her is the goal, hence, any action here expects excuse at later date.

> Scanning the inhaler, she undid the cap, pocketing it safe. Her eyes immediately scan the inside, with no swabs available, she can only assume its state.

| > One hand shaking the inhaler thoroughly, the other positions Lily's body.

"President, please take a breath! I will try to insert this inhaler—"

| >>654559
>At this point, Lily was reduced to being unable to do much else but take shallow, pained gasps. Her hands were clutching hard onto her chest, face distorted in grimace, tears streaming down her cheecks. As Cynthia asked, President inhaled sharply.

| >>655972
> Cynthia attempts to minutely tilt the President's head, doing so in a careful manner, then prompting her to release her breath slowly. First gesturing, then, to make herself clear,

"Release it. Slowly."

> She gently spoke, with intonation adjusted to not cause distress.

"I'll put in-"

> Once done, she began to ask the President to open her mouth.

| >>656043
>Lily tried her best to follow the girl's instructions, her overall condition considered. There wasn't much breath to release, slowly or not. In fact, there was barely any air entering her lungs at all, and, naturally, not all that much of it to exit either.
>The President opened her mouth, as wide as she could with the burning pain spreading through her chest.

| >>656046
> Cynthia advances closer to the President. They are both only separated by her hand, and the inhaler she held; this close distance, the girl's breath were nowhere enough to be felt — but their warmth were radiating through.

> She gently inserts the mouthpiece between the space of the lips, hoping to perfect the position.

"Breathe in—"

> She says. Her eyes gaze still at the President, with more of the same worry.

| >>656051
>From this close it was painfully obvious just how unnatural was the paleness of Lily's face — paleness that was starting to darken. The girl took a strained gasp. That was all she could do.

| >>656059
> Cynthia tries to match the breath taken by Lily, yet very well violating the rhythm. She pushes in the medicine, though faster than she liked, and it was unmatched by the gasp Lily had taken.

> Despite this, she manages to push contents of the canister.

"Slower. Take in what I pushed…"

> She tries her best to stay composed. Ignoring the President's state, all she could muster was a whisper of,

"W-what has happened to you, President?"

| >>656062
>Lily didn't answer, or, more likely, simply didn't hear the whisper. Medicine entering her airways, perhaps less than desired but good enough, her gasps began to deepen. All remaining strength left her, and she leaned onto Cynthia, exhausted, gasping, tears still running down her cheeks.

| >>656076
> Cynthia didn't embrace the President right away. She chose to let her be, herself weakened from the mental hampers that has put her in panic. Having not heard a single answer was more comforting than having to hear a gasp for help.

> That is, for her, at least.

> She wraps an arm around Lily. Her warm cheeks touches the beige hair. Not saying a word, she let Lily have her moment.

| >The other girl returned the embrace, burying her face deeper in.
"...ᵢ'ₘ ₛₒᵣᵣᵧ... ₛₒᵣᵣᵧ..." — >She whispered quietly, words mixed with sobs. The moment lasted.
>The garden was silent for the most part. The sound of the wind running through the treetops, of the laughter and speech echoing from the schoolgrounds, of the cars further away in the city, barely audible all the way here — neither of these broke the silence of the garden, instead only making it more apparent.

>The bell rang, signifying that the lunch break was about to end.

>Lily made no effort to move.
"ₚₗₑₐₛₑ... ₗₑₜ ₘₑ ₛₜₐᵧ ₗᵢₖₑ ₜₕᵢₛ... ⱼᵤₛₜ ₐ ᵦᵢₜ," — >she whispered.

| > Cynthia murmured a soft "Mmh" as her response. Her fingers quiver, holding Lily this close made her aware of her breathing, her heartbeat, and the softness of the girl she holds.

"Do you want to skip class, President?"

> All she could utter was another question.

"I will be here until you're feeling well. Never mind the classes for now."

| "...ᵤₘₕ..."
>Treetops shake gently, patted by fresh spring wind. The sound of schoolgirls hurrying off to the classes slowly begins to fade away.

| >>656506
> Cynthia felt a certain responsibility lash back at her. No matter, however, as she neither backs down nor finds better resolute in everything else. Her forlorn expression would smite the very meaning of "happy" — but in this moment, even in spite of the curling melancholy, she felt a certain bliss.

"President. If you are tired, you can take a rest here. Close your eyes. Everything's alright."

> Missing the class has never been fulfilling for her, until now.

| >Lily burried herself deeper into the other girl's embrace and closed her eyes. Wetness on her cheeks would surely leave a stain on Cynthia's jacket — but the President simply had no strength of will to help herself.
"I'm zorry... zis is Hunzightly of me..." — >She whispered weakly into Cynthia's chest. Her sobs died down slowly, and took with them her strong facade, leaving only a frail, weak girl behind.
— "How am I to help ozers, ven I can't... effen..."


| >>657411
> Now, the smell of sakura is more so fragrant, as Lily digs deeper upon Cynthia's warmth.

"My late father once said — to be a hero, there is more than life that you need to sacrifice."

> Her words weren't approaching any comfort. They were reaffirming a fact.

"Whose hero? He never said anything about it. Do you wish to protect anyone, President?"

> Her hand strokes Lily's smooth hair, gliding in the strands, then returning atop her crown again.

| >>657968
"I'm... not ein hero..." — >Lily melted into Cynthia's headpats, pressing her cheek closer into the other girl's jacket - and, consequently, the wet stain of tears on it,
— "I chust vanted.. to help make zis place.. fun. Zis city is zo... cruel.."

| >>658462
"You are a hero, President. There is no arguing that."

> 'However reality isn't what it seems?' she doubts that she will eventually say that. The gentle movements of her hand coincide with the slow release of her breath. She stops for once, and her hand rest on Cynthia's shoulders, returning a hug.

"Don't let it get into you, okay? We both have issues to run and problems to fix. Let's make it the best for other students here."

Total number of posts: 48, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1590445757

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