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[FGC] Announcement: Game List of EVO 2XXX Games!

| Kept you waiting, huh?

EVO's back with a hot new list for the upcoming tournament! We've even got a few confirmed tech company sponsors and favorites from the previous competition listed for a reappearance!

But for what's important : The games!

Wyvernorb DulistZ
AmazeRed Odyessy Versus
Kunoichi Throdown
SpiritCalibur 7
City Brawler EX : Contender Edition
Hyper Shatter Bros. Godhood
Tetsuken 8
DawnBreak in Death Exe:Early[oc-r]

| Get your bets ready, the confirmed contenders list is next. If you remember the insane battle between a certain gamergirl and a hotblooded lilim, you might wanna pay attention.

Company sponsership information will follow afterwards! Stay tune for the next online-FGC news cycle!

| Geeze. I wasn't expecting AmazeRed to blow up enough to make it to EVO.
I guess I should have learned my lesson with Wyvernorb. -G_man

| 'certain gamergurl'? i hope they're talking about Yokai and SENRAN returning. -Xeedia

| No Megabreaker sequel? That's disappointing.

| The meta in HSB Godhood is scuffed right now. Sure, I like the game, but having it on EVO this year? This is gonna be such a salty, cancerous event.

Total number of posts: 6, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1586365187

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