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They're still at it

| >trid is uploaded and it looks like a cyborg crab fighting a cyborg seagull in a beam struggle
>also while the lazer from the crab's claw is fighting against the one coming out of the seagull's eyes, it's firing rockets from its back, which are being shot down from the gull's wings.
How do they keep doing this...

| what am i even looking at.


| How has one of them not one yet. -CN

| >>617253
A fued between two individuals that has gone on for like... a year and a half I think? Or even two and a half?! I can't even remember
They're evenly matched it seems.

| >>617268
I suppose so. Wonder if theres like a betting pool for this. -CN

| Well there is know geeky
Alrighty i will be managing bets!
Bet on who wins or if it will tie again!

100 on a tie personally

Total number of posts: 6, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1579410738

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