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Street Samurai General? Street Samurai General

| >Upon opening the thread, the first thing your rig is assaulted by are some of the gaudiest looking manicures you've ever seen, their neon green paintjob so bright, it'd probably burn into cybereye retinas.

>More horrifying however isn't the paintjob- but the fact that these aren't nails from hell- they're ***razorspurs.*** Each individual blade sticking out of a sickly, emaciated looking finger has been painted bright neon green.

r8 my chrome chummers? UV coated, great against vamps and other freaks of the night, like you.


| I wish I never saw this. What the actual fuck.

- Dusty

| drek like this is why we cant have nice things.

>Thread has been marked COGNITOHAZARD


| Why make it that color though? Isn't better if it doesn't stand out? -CN

| >>617224

Clearly OP is trying to blind a potential mark with their terrible fashion sense. -Kate_6

| >>617225
I mean... to be fair that wouldn't be the worst strategy I've seen used. -CN

| >>617227

whats the worst? -6_9

| >>617229
Well there was the time someone put a type F laser on a goldfish... pretty sure that thing is still swimming in the Flooded District. -CN

| >>617236





| Don't forget the spider tank thing some held as a pet

| (*someone)​

| >>617238
Someone replaced the eye of his goldfish with a type F laser. It... went as well as you would expect. So they needed to let it out into the Flooded District. Chummer sold the rest of his lasers for cheap after that though which was nice! -CN

| >>617242
Except that the fish is probably still swimming there unless they all died from hypothermia in the winter

| >>617244
I mean considering this was years ago and goldfish have the timespan of a few weeks its probs been gone awhile but a gurl can dream. -CN

| >>617245
Who knows if the chummer added anything other than the laser eyes

| >>617247
The world may never know. -CN

| >Another image is posted from a different IP- this one seems to show a slightly worn Ares Monosword with a custom grip- and by custom, it appears to be made out of shoelace wrapped around the grip. The hilt is missing.

My pride and joy. Fear, chummers. This baby can cut a week into nine days!


| >>617252
Doesnt that hurt after gripping for awhile? -CN

| >>617258


You get used to it.


| >>617267
Why don't you just... get a normal handle. At some point you're just losing zenny taking care of what most be countless blisters. -CN

| >>617272

I uh... can't afford it.


| >>617276
...Chummer how much does a normal grip cost? -CN

| >>617278



| >>617280
I will literally wire you the cash for a normal grip chummer. Itd be embarrassing if you got ripped cause you couldnt hold on to your weapon. -CN

| >>617285

Er... that's fine, thanks omae.


| >>617286
As long as you're okay with it. -CN

| >>617288



| Don't listen to CN, he barely knows how to keep himself off children and out the slammer!! Live it out chummer!!
-D4Ath D34LER

| >>617449
This coming from someone calling themselves Death Dealer. -CN

| >>617488
You gotta give credit where it's due. He's giving an accurate summary of your online myth.

| >>617900
Yea, he can read rumors and propagate them like the best of them. -CN

Total number of posts: 31, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1579484735

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