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What is it like

| Not having depression?

| I don't know what having depression is like, so can't compare.

| Hard to say. I'm depressed a lot but there are also times when I'm happy, and can really appreciate the world... I guess the problem here is that it's hard to put feelings into words. That's their nature.
- SciFox

| wish i could tell you.

| Not being depressed is being able to have hobbies and interests and fulfill them and not get exhausted of them. It's being able to get through days while seeing everything as if it is a sunny day compared to one that is dark and rainy. Imagine a mind that has not got thoughts all the time, and has little worry in anything in does, one of innocence. I believe that's what not having depression is like, but as SciFox said >>616605 it's hard to put feelings into words.

| >>616686
So... functioning properly as a human?

| >>616975

Are you implying that only humans can function properly?


| >>617213
Please lets not go down this road. -CN

| >>617218

What road? I'm just asking an honest question!


| >>617220
I doubt there was hidden meaning to the statement. -CN

| >>617220
>Country roadddddd, take me homeeeee

| >>617231



| >>617230


Now you've lost me.


| >>617235
Sorry there just tends to be some posters who pop up on the board sometimes to start a "dialogue" about "humans, lilims, and hybrids and how one is superior than the other". -CN

| >>617240

Oh? What kind of dialogue?

I mean, there's no question that lilims are superior to baseline humans, so I can't see a conversation starting to begin with.


| >>617264
Usually statements like that start it since that just invites dissenters. -CN

| >>617282

But why even dissent...?

I mean, do people argue whether the color black is any color but black? When something is an absolute, arguing with it is like talking to a brick wall and expecting it to move. Unless its an intelligent brick wall, which is very unlikely.


| >>617284
If individuals wanted well articulated debates where one side would recede their opinion to the other they wouldn't argue on the matrix. -CN

| >>617287

But- that- why-

UGH, humans are so irrational sometimes.


| >>617291
Not everything is uh... clear cut and logical. Especially in this city, that's for sure. -CN

| >>617293

No, no it isn't- and it makes me so MAD.

Its like one day I'm off doing my duty and the next I'm in some primitive dystopic hellscape.

But if I bring that up to anyone, I'M the one who sounds illogical!

But anyway.

| >>617298
Your duty? -CN

| >>617300

Well, hm, how do I out this...

I'm... a guard. I guard... things. Important things. Ancient things.

At the moment however, doing that, that is, the guarding, is rather obtructed and perhaps downright impossible, on account of being physically and perhaps, mentally, separated from my post.


| >>617304
How did you get separated? I mean I imagine it's pretty far if you just cant get back. -CN

| >>617308

I'm not entirely certain- last I remember, my ghost was leading me down an abandoned catwalk the Drifter used to keep clear of the Vanguard, I... uh... slipped, fell a couple flights of stairs, and...

...Hey wait a minute. You're pretty curious for a random anonymous user.


| >>617309
Going to be honest you're using a lot of terms I don't recognize right now but yes. I'm a hacker so... being curious is sort of part of the job description. -CN

| >>617312

A hacker?


| >>617316
Oh boy you really ARE out of your element. A hacker is basically someone who breaks into or circumvents technological defenses for the various purposes, usually to find info others don't want you to. You might know them as deckers or divers too. -CN

| >>617318

Hm... neither, actually. But that's veerrrry interesting.

Tell me more.


| >>617320
Well... I'm surprised you havent heard about this in any capacity but anyways- hackers, deckers, and divers all do the same thing, they just mainly vary in *how* they complete the tasks. Hackers like me are the most "analog" I suppose, we use a piece of tech like a deck to hack into things that are usually protected by AIs or programs like Intrusion Countermeasures Electronics (ICE for short). Divers are in the opposite side of the spectrum. They tend to be heavily augmented people or lilim who can plug directly into electronics using a datajack and essentially 'dive' their subconscious in to hack. It tends to be the fastest method since you're working at the speed that your brain can compute but it also puts you at the greatest risk. Deckers are in the middle of the other two, they're partially augmented and use a portable computer called a deck to hack as well. Its safer than diving since the deck can take the brunt of any dangers you encounter, but you could be prone to passing out since most of the time the decker is plugged into the deck themselves to work. -CN

Total number of posts: 30, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1579408946

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