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Did lilim regulations get more lenient or am i just paranoid?

| ran into some cuties at the local watering hole near Neon and my augs were lighting up with some heavy electro-mag interference inside- the kind that usually comes from unshielded cyberware, oldschool like- or lilims sometimes, especially the ones that get super hot rodded.

anyway, i started maccing on them, figuring they just had a lot of semi-discreet work done under the hood, when one of them apologized and said they were just on break or something, and couldn't stay long.

so i says, fine, lemme get yo number and i'll slide on over with a bottle or three of jack and maybe ya can show off your uh, polishin skills on my rig...

then outta nowhere, the hottest blonde piece of ass in this SHORT maid outfit with these lightning bolt blue eyes just, GRABS me by the collar and slams my face down on the bartable and im like, so off guard i even drop my my piece on the ground... and the other was half cocked.

and all the while this is going on my augs are just SCREAMING about hostile androids, and i'm just like wat.

anyway thats my story.

| How does any of this show that they were lilims and not just really chromed up? Stop buying your augs from the Stuffer Shack.

| Sounds like you were being a creep and got what you deserve.

- Unit 00

| What is this the same blonde from that "news" report? -CN

| >>607667

excuze me? my shadow doc's reliable tbqfh


yeah you too ass.


what blonde? what news report?

| You sure this blonde was a girl? This report I'm reading memti9ns a blonde person.

Anyway, what bar? Might stop in and do some investigating.

Also, girls on the job don't get paid enough to be hit on my guy.

| >>607756

hell YEAH im sure shes blonde! she had this kinda short maid outfit, apron and hat thing and all, and eyes were these like, BRIGHT blue...

and the SCOWL... good god the scowl. im just lucky she didnt choke me out right den and there.

it was uh... i ferget the name. some hole in the wall that smelled like dog piss.

aight i saw the news article, dont remember no trench coat but kiddie fuckers need to be gassed

| >>607762
So a scowling maid...? Maybe she just forgot her prescription glasses. -CN

| >>607786
Don't think it's forgetting her glasses if she tries to cave someone's forehead in on a bar top.

| -RaIn

| >>607797
Agree to disagree. -CN

| >>607801
Curious about this blonde trenchcoat person though? Another CN mystery?

| >>607802
I dont know what it's about but it has me curious. -CN

Total number of posts: 13, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1574299085

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