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Dorothy 4 Prime Minister

| Make Loli Lilims Leaders

| Sorry but I don't think she could become prime minister unless she added some caps to that name, you know we got
and all that, but DOROTHY sounds kinda lame you know...

| how about
that sounds cool

| Hey, I think
Sounds super cool, maybe he should become prime minister and turn the police into his gang.


| Who's Dorothy?

| >>586610
I think it's that girl from that ancient movie "the wizard of Oz"
The one that rides a lion and has two mechs one made from organic materials and one made of steel then they kill the evil witch by using a high pressure water gun.
- 3pig6

| >>586612 Oh yey, she can be prime minister, I'm down.

| >>586610
the prostitute loli!

| >>586627 the what now

| >>586551

| (OOC) I see someone has played the new collab. Nice.

| I guess if you gotta choose someone to bend over and take it up the rear from the megacorps might as well choose someone that knows how to do it with grace and style.

| >>586849
(Just a suggestion, I'm not telling you to do it this way, but I personally think using brackets for OOC talk is better because you can still post IC in the same post like this one. But yeah, just a suggestion)

I just want my rice, anyone can be prime minister, just give me ny rice back

| But would she still work as a prostitute? It would be sad if I couldn't hire her to cuddle me to sleep anymore.

Total number of posts: 14, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1565312568

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