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[Vidcast] The Long Haul Podcast #0: Just Testing

| >>A link in the title of this thread sends you to a tunnel, which finally winds you up on another site of sorts, which seems to be home-made. The webpage has a few black windows, labelled "Webcam" in the upper-left corner taking up most of the screen, "Chat" on the upper-right side, "Type In Chat" in the bottom-right sight, and "Archive" in the lower-left corner. There was no decoration on the page, and all screens were black. It seems the site is currently in development.

| (Oops. Fuck.)

| >A link in the title of this thread sends you to a tunnel, which finally winds you up on another site of sorts, which seems to be home-made. The webpage has a few black windows, labelled "Webcam" in the upper-left corner taking up most of the screen, "Chat" on the upper-right side, "Type In Chat" in the bottom-right sight, and "Archive" in the lower-left corner. There was no decoration on the page, and all screens were black. It seems the site is currently in development.

| >However, a series of messages then suddenly appeared in the chat, from a "The_Long_Haul_Vidcast_1":
"Is this working?"
"It is!"
"Which means...We're online!"
"Hey, you there reading this! Yeah, you there, on danger/u/! I want to ask you a question."
"If, hypothetically, I just so happened to be like, the coolest person you knew, and you liked me so much that you wanted to watch me and my dad talk about stuff all the time, would you like this format for watching my video podcast?"

| >The chat box then un-darked itself out, and both a section to "Input Screen Name" and "Type Message" now allowed for user input.

| Why do you think you are cool?

| >>572644
Oh, I don't, I was just saying *if* I was, would you watch me if I had this as a template?"

| Better question, people still do podcasts?

Whus a podcast?


| >Uni:
Ah, a podcast! I love internet radio dearly. Answering your question: I believe that, as long as you are able to maintain comfortable human conversation, a podcast will be a fantastic format for everything!

| >>572659
I'm trying out this format for what we're trying to do because it seems to be the easiest way to do so.
Well thank you! Your feedback is noted!

| >>572684
Then uhh...whats your name?
Kinda anonymous to your audience.
Unless thats the point or something

Whats the stream about miss?

| Why not use one of the streaming platforms? How are you even streaming stabliy on the road?

| >>572690
Well this was originally just a test to ensure everything was working, this isn't an actual podcast yet. But my name is Darrell, and my dad's name is Jason, and we're the Long Haul Podcast!
You see, my dad's a truck driver, more specifically a mover, and I live in the truck with him and provide labor help for the moving. We decided to make a podcast to talk about our experiences in the trucking industry of 207X.

| >>572709
You see, we have a good phone stand to keep the camera steady, if that's what you meant. If you're referring to the internet connection, I've home rigged a satellite-based system specifically for tapping into long-range WiFi. We have WiFi almost everywhere!

Total number of posts: 14, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1561190700

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