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NDSec Operation in progress in Chapel-3

| Dear Denizen of Chapel-3, you may found an increased presence of our operatives in your area. Please note that for your own safety and has happened due to an operation aimed to get rid of any and all remnants of the hostile "Cult of the Savior", as they have named themselves, for they have long defiled your district with various acts of violence and debauchery in the name of their "Lord and Savior", While using various propaganda to gain more followers.

| We advise cooperating with our personnel and temporarily allowing them into your personal area(s) to search for said threats, failing to do so may result in getting forcefully restrained until your area have been searched and made cleared of any cultist presence
-Noah Bolter, Commander of the New Dawn Assault Regiment

| NDSec going all out today huh?
-Red 9

| I'm interested to see how long this will take

| We are aware of the situation in downtown, however, I trust that the Guard Regiment has the situation under control. Therefore, I will not cease our operation, please cooperate with our personnel as to make this progress as swift and effective as possible.
-Noah Bolter, Commander of New Dawn Assault Regiment

| We may have lost the battle, but our war is yet to be over, and our hope has not yet lost. We will continue to move on, you will never wipe us out as long as our savior still stands

| >>572841
Nah, mate, your cult's screwed. Just a matter of time.

Total number of posts: 7, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1561161311

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