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| 231125114315


| (Uhhhh is this a coincidence that when i google the title number it leads to this? https://dangeru.us/cyb/thread/27182 )

| (Originally; yes when I came across the title sequence itself.)

| >>568466
Not sure where they could be but maybe I could help? -CN
(Wew that is an old thread, we didnt even have post tagging yet back then.)

| >>568517
Good someone who doesn't use that mess of numbers. I'm better at deciphering ancient languages.
I've been excavating in the City Underground and I have acquired something that doesn't seem of our, how should I say... Origin?
I've been having distinct hallucinations and feelings of malaise since obtaining the item and I came across that signature of numbers in regards to Alien Artifacts. I was hoping my leads to this board would help me find them.

| >>568564
Um... I cant say I'm an expert, especially if the Hakase you're talking about is the one I know but... what exactly is the item? -CN

| It's... not radioactive, but it glows blue with a faint beat. It is something of a pulpy gourd and fleshy to the touch, roughly the weight/size of a melon.

| >>568594
Uh... huh. And what kind of hallucinations have you gotten? -CN

| >>568600
Well, I have been noticing an all black figure following me. I can never tell the form of it as it nears me, then it suddenly disappears, with a flash of light. It does not feel hostile, yet I cannot shake the feeling of a menacing nature.

| >>568603
I see, well bad news is the person you're looking for, if it's the same one I've known, hasnt posted on this board in months. Good news is I dealt with them myself so I can try and help you find them if they're still around. I guess first place is to start with those leads you had, how did you end up heading here? -CN

| >>568604
Ahh, well that's good! This place is more useful than I thought.

First, I should say I'm an Archaeologist. I root through old ruinous areas for all kinds of things lost of our older world. I am a bit close to my identity, but I have made a number of valued and museumed discoveries.

I had heard something of a number of catastrophes happening here in Glitch City so I came to see if I could find anything worth Historical Revival or further research.

| >>5̴6҉8̢564̛ >56͘8́620̡
I̡f̡ ͠at͜ ̡a͘ll ̢p͞o̧s̢sible, I̕ ẁo͝u̡ld͠ re͏qu͘èst͞ ́a m͏e͜et҉i͢ng t͠o ͠be ͞a͡rr͘ang͟ed ̷with on͏e̷ ͝o̵f third͜ ̸ṕa͟r͝t̶ies͜ af̵f̕i͜l͜ia̶t͏e͠d ͞w̛it͞h́ ḿe̴. T͝h̷e ̛obje͢c̕t̀ ͜i͟n ͞ques̀t͢i͝on͝ m̸igh̵t̀ hąv̛e̛ t̛o͟ ̧b̧e ne̷u͏t̸r͘a͡l͞i̧z̵ed́ ͜a͜nd̛/͟or c͞ơntaìn̡e͝d ̕im͠m͟ed͢iat͠el͜y, ͝or wi҉t̷hi̧n͟ ̕as ̢sm͜a̷ll ͞a t̡i̧me͘ ̕f͠r̶ame̢ a̕s p̀ossi̛b̵l̸e.

| >>568620
Well it would interesting to find something like that here but I doubt you'll find much outside of the Flooded District. -CN

| >>568633
I do agree. This object feels malicious. I do have it hidden away with me for the time, under as much of a lock away as I can in this time.

See, I figured I would do the expeditions alone as best I can before hiring and budgeting for the Flooded District. I only have a combat Lilim along my side for help at the moment.

| >͘5͘68638̨
These͏ ͝mèas͠u̶r̴e̸s m̧ay ͏pr̴ove ͜ins̨u̴f̛ficie̷n̴t̕ a҉n͢d͜/o͡ŗ ͘im͘pose dan̕g͞e̡r͜/br͠in͏g ҉h͘ar͢m t̴o̴ ͘yo͜u ̧or ̡a̴n͜y͝ ̡amo͟unt ͞of ̕indi̧vid́uals w̡it͟hi̛n̨ thę ̕po̢t̢èn̵t͘i̵a͡l ҉infe̕ct̸ion a̢re ̴s̀h̴o̶ul͘d obj͞e͢ct̴ ͟pr҉o͡v͟e ͟to p̡res̡en҉t͡ ͡a̡ ͜c͡ogn̴itive,҉ ìn̢fórm̛a͞ti̶ona͠l̴ or̕ ͠con̶cept́u͢al h҉az͘a̴r̶d.̢
I̶n̡c̡or͝r͡e̡ct ̛co͠n͘t̷aiņme͢nt ̀of such͞ árt̸if͝a̛cts ̶ma͘y̴ léa̡d tò ̡ca͜ta͞st͘r҉op̵hic͠ conseq́u̢ence҉s̷.͞

| >>568638
Well if you need bodyguards theres a job board thread pinned at the top you can post it. Prospective runners always check it to make some cash. -CN

| I need cash, can I join?
-Red 9

| I can give you some support from my runners to guard you if you want. I won't charge you, just make sure they come back alive.

| >>568642
I would like to meet with this 1/3rd of your affiliates, for the record to discuss this matter in more thorough detail.

>>568646 >>568669 >>568702

Oh ho, I will keep all three of these posts in mind. I will definitely post once I set up my expedition.

| Vigilantes aren't also an option. -xavier

| >>568517

Uufff i can smell the impending explosion..


| Long time no see, HAKASE. Welcome back to /cyb/.

| >>568792
(Haha it's been so long here I forgot what Spoiler tags were [then again they were new when I left]. Either way, hello again everyone)

Total number of posts: 23, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1560107794

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