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So when is CN gonna do a handshake meet?

| I'm like, his biggest fan and I SERIOUSLY think it's super overdue!! Like, he's a hero right? A super hacka with massive decking powers and dicking prowess right? Surely he could meet us fans?????

| >Dicking prowess

| He's gonna have a MEET AND GREET!?!??!


| I appreciate the uh... sentiment, but wouldnt that go against my whole shadowrunner deal? -CN

| >>567088
So what *did* you do to get like to this level of..unwanted fame
If i may ask

| >>567092
Hell if I know, guess I was just more vocal and shared for free paydata than most runners. -CN

| >>567093
Huh, if thats the case then,
Bear in mind i mean no disrespect, but you are incredibly over glorified if thats the case wouldn't you say?

| I want CN to overglorify me. ow ow owowowo :333


| >>567097
…Overglorified is such a vile understatement. He is ascending to the level of myths and legends now with the many heroic version of him tailored for the city's entertainment.

I fear this has went past the degree of uncontrollable delusion from his fans. -Uni

| >>567100
There *is* that funny show based on him now that i think of it..

Hmmm if thats the case uni well... Inutile de discuter.
His fans might be considered rabid to some..

Err no offense >>072648

| >>567103
The show is only the tip of the—… uhm, I can't maintain a dignified image by saying this, the false twelve-inch.

The more I wander around my job, the more it is clear that his fans are eternally cursed to think of him in their idealised image. Interpret the previous sentence as you may. -Uni

| >>567108
Pffft twelve inch

Twelve inches of whot?

Absolutely nothing gem.
Don't even think about it

-{user GEMINI has disconnected}

Ughhhh i have a stroke every time she askes something like that i swear...

But yeah back on topic, i didn't even know the dude had fans, let alone to that degree.

Guess it goes to show.
Show what exactly? I dunno, but its Probably something

| >>567112
He has masturbatory devices with his name attached to it, illegally perhaps. My Master happens to have two of them; and I wonder how she fits such a wide battering ram down into her area.

She spoke of them as though they are items of ornate quality. In reality, it's no more than a rubbery mess, flapping about disappointingly.

Ah, I do mean no ill-will towards CN's actual, uhm, twelve-inch. -Uni

| >>567113
Ppppffffff okokkokhahahhaaha!
Om my goohoahah
Oh dear god i cant take this seriously anymore!
Its just so absurd haha!
>{user IA has disconnected}

-{user GEMINI has connected}
Uhhh miss forum person, why is Cassius rolling on the floor?

| >>567113
I... didnt know about the toys... -CN

| >>567117
Toys? What kind toys?
Do you have action figures based on you?!

>(you feel, no, you *know* mister Vanderbilt will be very cross with you if you tell gem what they actually are)

| >>567117
Does the name 'Wonder Boy 12XL' and 'MegaD[e]ck: Ultra (HACKERMAN)' not ring a bell? My Master did say she has to trade one of her exotic collection for the taste of your, uhm, false twelve-inch.

If you are willing to receive a sample of them, I am more than happy to send them. I have grown weary cleaning my Master's mess after using them. -Uni

| >>567116
I have surpassed his expectancies, it seems. Pardon me for making him do that. -Uni

| >>567123

Hes just kinda lying there.
Awww..he was going to cook lunch...(´._.`)

| >>567118
Uh... n-not sure, I did just hear about it myself after all.
Even if I was curious, I dont think it would feel right getting one that's um... used. -CN

| >>567143
Understandable decision. Would you prefer me linking a store page for them instead? I will attempt to find the store selling the items for a great value.

Don't worry about curiosity. Every man needs to know themselves better.

I wish this conversation is not fulminating any fantasy in your fans' mind. -Uni

| >>567201
I-Im fine dont worry, I have no need for it. -CN

| >>567143
Just hear of it now....?
Mmmm mister CN, are you hiding something?
Oh i know! Its a suprise so you didn't hear about it until just now!
And then you are going to visit a kid in the hospital and give the first one made to them!

Did i guess right?( ・⩌ ・)<??

| >>567287
Uh... something like that I suppose? -CN

Total number of posts: 24, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1559723913

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