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Has anyone seen Cain?

| I've been looking by the store, but I haven't been able to see her, anyone know how I can contact her?


| I don't think she is within the boards either. Knowing her and what has happened recently, you can safely assume the worst.

Although, I much prefer for it to not happen. -Uni

| What? What's happened with her? She spoke to me about tracking down a guy, and well, I have, but now I can't find her.

| >>566921
She shouldn't have done that. We warned her about the risk, as telltale as it was.

If you have found the name she seeks then it is far too late for you to find her through normal means. I suppose now she is at the hands of other, less lenient party. -Uni

| You think it's this "John" guy I'm tailing? What happened?

| >>566927
You dont think it was the "mysterious benefactor" do you? -CN

| I think I remember her putting up a bounty for John on the board if I'm not mistaken

| I've yet to see her again

| This is bad, I've got rent to pay, and I need the money bad.

| >>566960
No argument is necessary. Her disappearance is directly linked to whomever that entity is. -Uni

| >>566943
John and everyone else that is against him. You have a drilled past the point of no return if you were to expect money now. It is long gone unless you scatter to find her — which, with my hand alone I can count the possibility of said plan succeeding. -Uni

| Fuck. Uh... Well this is fucked.

| >>566991
What leads do we have? -CN

| >>567090
Close to none. We may want to lead our way to the man of the bounty first; that ought to clear up the doubts we have, I hope.

Though that is easier for us to say. Cain would not put a million zenny on his head if he wasn't elusive. -Uni

| >>567095
*Sigh* I'll see what I can do but I'm no miracle worker. Will be hard to find anyone without some direction to look. -CN

| >>567115
Oh, we do know where the man is. Convincing him is another degree of work, and even more so concerning this issue. He has grown a mental fortitude against persuasion and flattery. -Uni

| >>567124
Uh... where is he? -CN

| >>567144
In the bounds of Glitch City, of course. As much as I am on Cain's side, I have sworn a sure silence for him.

However, I am certain of what I have said. You can cast a wide net in Glitch City and he will be caught in your first few throws. -Uni

| >>567204
I suppose. Knowing my luck I'm sure I'll end up running into him in the most inconvenient of circumstances. -CN

| >>566998
Hey, if you need money I can lend you some. You can return it later when you have it.

Total number of posts: 20, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1559728453

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