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Did anybody else see that plane disappear above Motor?

| I wasn't really paying much attention, I just remember looking up, seeing a plane, and then looking up again and seeing it gone. I mean, obviously cloaking tech is good enough now that it isn't impossible for it to have just went invisible, but normally you can see like, an outline at least, or a bit of refracted light. This didn't have any of that, just, it was there one minute, and gone the next. Anybody else see this?

| Someone else mentioned something about it and the Family of Light or whatever. -CN

| >>551885
Family of Light? What kind of drek is that, and what does it have to do with a random plane disappearing? Nothing big happened, no explosion, no nothing. Just poof, gone.

| >>551886
I dont know, they mentioned something about a pillar of light too. -CN

| Pillar of light? I didn't see no damn pillar of light, it was just a plane. Like I said, nothing big happened, no sounds, no screams, no explosions, and definitely no pillar of light. It just disappeared, as far as I saw.

| No weird drek, I'll tell ya that much. This is fraggin strange.

Total number of posts: 6, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1555551310

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