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"baby's first apartment" party?

| A friend of mine just started renting her own place, and we're gonna be celebrating in a few days. I'm a nervous wreck. I have no idea what to give her and I need gift ideas like, now. Blease help.

Note: this is meant to be a lasting gift, so no impulsive or 'one night' suggestions like... strippers or whatever. I don't know how you guys do your house warming parties here in GC, for all I know that's fair game.


| If it's her first apartment, why not something decorative? I've heard the NanoCamo wallpaper's been a big hit. Or how about some furniture? Recently I've tried out hard light stuff in the place I'm shacked up at and it's been really nice. Clean up is super easy and it can't get damaged. Or.. Heh, how about actually reliable security tech for the apartment.

| >>551482

"Hard light stuff"?

All of these are really tasteful and practical and I like them, just gotta figure out what falls within my budget range...


| >>551487
It's more formally hard light holography, but it's not holography because it's actually solid. Have you seen any of the mini holo christmas trees they sell on Mega Christmas? Those are hard light. You buy the projector (not as big as it's sounds, it's actually very portable and tiny) and hook it up on a power source and set it up on an app you gotta download on your phone or whatever.

| I'm not sure what youryour budget is, but the priciest will probs be security, people are stingy as hell with that. Everything else I mentioned is marketed to the common folk so they're not gonna try to gank you too much.

| "Youryour" - Lol, tts caught my slip of the tongue there

| >>551488
... you may have lost me with your explanation, there. If I got it right though that sounds ultra as fuck and definitely her speed. Might try getting my hands on something like that.

Security's admittedly a much better gift, but I feel like her... guardian has probably got that covered. Never met the woman, but she seems real fierce in protecting her.


| >>551543
I've been told I'm a wonder at explaining things. Let me try one more time so you know that you got it right.

| Ahem. Pretty, three dimensional hologram! Can make many pieces of furniture. Chairs, table, whatever you want. Can make it whatever you want it to look like as long as it's within reasonable realms. Like the real thing, you can touch it. Sit on it. Gotta reconfigure it to move it though. Colors are limited since it's still a projection.

| And, uh, no assembly required.. Such and such.

| >>551543
As for security.. All I have to say to that is leave it to the experts. In this case we have a fiercely protective lady, but looks don't matter much in keeping people safe - Unless you're a bouncer.

| Buy a flower, a real one
They're pretty expensive, but they show you care.

| >>551544 >>551545
Pretty light SEG like!! SEG like holo couch SEG not fall through.
>(Seriously though, thanks for laying that all down so my caveman brain could grasp it. Think maybe I'll get myself one of those when I get hers, actually.)

I can hold my own in a fistfight, but I'm definitely no bouncer. Leave it to the pros it is, then.

Where can I get one around here? GC seems kinda short on florists.


| Get her a gun, You can never go wrong with those. Even if it's just a pistol, put on a custom paintjob to show you care.


| >>551568
I would, if she didn't already have the impressive collection she's told me about... I think that's her hobby. Don't know if she's keen on having duplicates of anything.

| >>551575 forgot to sign, whoops

| >>551556
I can help with that, I raise white lilies or well, I do now.

| >>551594
"You do now?" What's the story there?


| >>551596
Not something worth your time.

| >>551601
Think I get to be the one to determine that, but if you say so I won't push for details. Whatever helps you sleep at night, omae.

Just tell me where to find you, or your garden instead. I'll cough up what I can for what you have.


| >>551604
I'm repaying a debt, is all I'll say.
Come to the World end's in Temple-1, i'll be waiting.

| >>551556 No prob g/u/rl. I'm sure the ominous corp in the sky will appreciate your donation.

| Congratilatuons to your friend!

| >>551797
I'll tell her you said so. She's really something. I'm proud of her for "leaving the nest," as she called it.


Total number of posts: 24, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1555541609

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