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(bar)the hazy moonlighter part 2 alcohol boogaloo

| >the moonlighter is still open, its interior abuzz with commotion as frank somehow manages to juggle between like, 8 separate conversations
>one might wonder how, but then again its Probably some weird bartender secret
>we will Probably never know

| (Last time!
"「sonorité éclater」!"
>suddenly a blast of soundwaves come forth aimed at the man in the suit

>the man is sent flying back by the sheer force of the blast
"Gah! Interfering with the gift of art! I would have your head!
No matter, i shall return!"

"Obviously not!"
>he shakes his head as the the blue dies down again
"You know what, lets get inside.
I want to know what the >>>shifting_spear is doing in GC.
And why she was fighting >the red artist...")

| (Any now we continue where they left off.

What will our they do next...?)

| >Rose sits theree, quite frankly flabbergasted as the situation gets increasingly silly
"Ah'm suppose te be sleeping right about now but...

| >>551512
"Your telling me">cass laughs
"I just wanted a night at the pub but now my roommate is getting her yuri on and she doesn't even know it while an old friend just got attacked by a mythological serial killer."
>he sighs deeply
"Frank give me the strongest thing you can without killing me"
>Frank of Course delivers

"So lets hear it , oh >shifting spear
(Optional d20 to recognize the girl)

Total number of posts: 5, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1555443837

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