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Just Curious

| So I'm thinking about adding exhibits to the he Neo Louvre hologram art gallery...

What would you like to see, Glitch City? Also is anyone interested in the idea of reintroducing physical art by creating a meusem branch?

| oh that sounds interesting.
Need something techy to represent GC

| What would i like to see...
A drop dead gorgeous babe surrounded by beer maybe?

| >>549156
If enough people request it, I would not be beyond fielding an adult fantasy dream reality system in the personal experience section of both the gallery and the virtual reality matrix port.

| -Aethia

| >>549097 Well the entire gallery is supposed to be on the cutting edge of holographic augmented reality...If you can provide examples of what we're missing that you'd like to see, I'm listening. :>

| Maybe a performance art exhibit? Stuff like that is always interesting. I can think of one artist who may be willing to lend their talents, but it'd probably be best to let them come forth on their own rather than me speaking for them.


| >>549165 Oh? Well feel free to show them this thread.

| It needs a lilim guide that looks like mona lisa.

Trust me it'll work im french

Total number of posts: 9, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1554790039

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