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{SoC fourms}Spongestym message

| Anyone else see that?

```spongesystm message```
```player NoScopeBoy83
Is a child murder and now has a 10k bounty on his head.
Please kill him```

Swear i head screams coming from the midnight quarter..

Who the hell kills kids in this game?!
I didn't even know you could do that
-black sky eye

| Swear i heard that user before
-key key 03

| Thats messed up even for SoC

| Fuck...

| Seriously?!?!

```System message```

Player noscopeboy83 has initiated secret boss
'Mourning Harbinger of Incram'```

Who dafuq is this guy!?!?!
-calamity doctrine

| Could someone remind me why these messages are sent to places outside of the fucking game? It's not my fault I killed her, and gods are assholes!!!

| >>533743
I think the players are just copy pasting the announcements
-red sea bearing

| >>533745
What you're describing there is exactly what sending the messages to places outside of the game means! I don't want even more people seeing this shit!

| >>533757
Hold on,I'm killing a fat guard with a fat bounty on his head,I will go help later

| >>533826
Thank you! Please fucking hurry!

Total number of posts: 10, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1551442664

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