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Little Corner News

| Placeholder title
A body of an allegedly half eaten citizen was found near the Warehouse District a few days ago. Concerns of the torn flesh and and decay have brought up fears of an old myth of a bovine oriented massacre some years ago, which still is under debate of actually happening. GCPD have commented saying they can't disclose on the bovine related incident, get report on actual news story before posting.

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Ad placement here.

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Second Story
Something uplifting, possibly about lowered crime rate, and avoided terror attack at Greene Park

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New sauce, the old sauce still good. Still good as /burg/ is always, good. New /burg/, still with old /burg/

| Sales of Chocolate, and chocolate biproducts increased
Sales of Chocolate, chocolate substitute, chocolate substitute substitute, and soy-choc, as well as other chocolate biproducts have been increased this quarter by about 178% since last fiscal quarter.
A sign of a good flow for chocolate and chocolate biproduct.

| Looks like LcN released their news a little raw this week. -CN

| WEW boi.

| I think this is my favorite edition

| Oh you gotta be kidding me -Big Neil

Total number of posts: 9, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1550262969

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