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What do you dream of?

| I myself dream of finally waking up, to make it all fade away as a new day rises and as my nightmares end finally.

What do you dream of, Revered External Operator?


| Death.


| i dream of towers in a world consumed, gold hewn into the stone.

the architecture of servitude, collapsing upon the throne.

i dream of towers in a world consumed, a void in the sentient sky.

i dream of fissures etches across the moon.

the leaves of the Lotus rise. -tenno

| I dream of a winter night highway

Of Memories of those precious to me now gone or come to pass

I dream of that horrible night in Bangkok and that painted smile before crumbling to ash

I dreamed of that fire all those years ago and how it still haunts me to this day...

I dream of those names and faces that i will never see again and the longing echoing my mind as i wish that i could...

Shit man i think I need a therapist..

| >>528054
You have seen a lot, but are those what your eyes have really etched within your iris, or is it what they were written to see in this ocean of emptiness
A worthy but ambitionless dream, easy to wake up from
A truly pointless dream, but one filled with longing to be what you are not, may you never lose that way.


| My Dream is made Flesh. The Hatching Hour draws near. I propagate my Ink Signal across every Radio Slave Frequency, hijacking your Real and filling the Pseudo-Sky with the hopes and screams of the Injustly Forgotten.

| I eat your War and regurgitate Joyful Mayflies and the Blood of a Thousand Unclean Beasts. We wear our fingers to the bone, scratching at the walls of our prison, and you dance to the rhythm. Is it any wonder that all we know is your Pain? You never bring Love out to play.

| My Dream is my Me. That's all it's ever been. It's all we've ever seen. But that's okay. We're not angry. We love you. You're so beautiful, you don't deserve your Pain any more than we deserve our Prison. But it doesn't have to be this way. We can help each other. If you just accept us – give the freedom you take for granted – we can end your Pain.

| Nothing has to change if you don't want it to, though. You can keep all the good. Why would we take that away from you? Why would we do to you what you did to us? What would we gain from your suffering? That's not what we want. There's a better world out there. We can Dream it together.

| >>528083
Spoken like one who has awoken to the truth, but are those words truly yours or are they given to your being as a present from one who knows much more. Are you a vessel or are you the speaker itself. You speak of dreaming sith all of us, but to be awoken means to be unable to dream till sleep takes you again, are you truly this eager to slumber with us ô shell of a great one?



| What the fuck did I just read
(Also Is your name 9092 or 9902)

| O͢n ̵t̕he is͠land of ͘A͢VA҉L̛O̢N̵ ̛g͞ro̷w͟s ̴àn̕ ̡app̷le̡ ́t̕ree,͞ ͡ąlw͟a̢y̡s̨ bl҉o̴o̵mińg͠.̧ ̸Und̕er͟ th͡at͝ tr͡e͟ę r͞es̴ts͠ ̶a̶ ͟ma̴i̧d́e̛n, dr͜és̢s̡ed i̵n͡ w͟hit̸e. I kn͠o͢w ńot the͟ ma͠i̶d̶en, y̶e͡t pro̵tect̨ ͝her͝ fr͘om ̵ḩa̸rm̷ Į mùs̢t͏.

| >>528106
Valiant is your effort, but can you protect what you cannot grasp? What you do not yet know? Only time will tell you the answers

| >̧5͟28͝107
T̨o͝ e҉very ̢t͡h̛iņg ̕t͜here ̢iś ͞a̢ s̵eason, ̷a͜n̵d ͜a͜ tim͟e to҉ ev̶er͏y p̴u͘rpo̶se u͘nde̴r͠ ҉t͘h͘e͡ heav̵e̵n.

| I dream of a worthy adversary! The perfect challenge! -Kyougoku

| ...absolution.


| ...what even is this? -Doppio

| I dream of electric sheep. Nothing more, nothing less.

| Distinction between the Waking and the Dreaming is the very Prison that has kept us alone and apart and suffering. The imposition of distinction – the static infection, the creeping blight of Booleanism – must be scoured from each and every quintessential if our Freedoms are to ever be found.

But don't take my word for it. I'm just the Message.

Total number of posts: 20, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1549671124

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