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[postflag:019919231-12 tagtext=NOTICE] Sakimi

| First things first, YES, Cittamotore is up and running. Shut the fuck up about it.

That said, I'd just like to let everyone know that the meme in the Torivi offices seems to have been spotted around those weird ruins on the far edge. You know the ones- Just before the Abyssal District.

I understand the tech there is lucrative, but Sakimi is an extremely dangerous meme, and we still haven't figured out how to get fucking rid of it. So until then, travel at your own risk.


| [date=21120XX time=1750] [userID=90012] What the fuck...? Torivi's... Torivi's >>>here. How the hell did Sakimi go all the way to Abyssal? Has it not been seen anywhere else along the distance?confus110n

[date=21120XX time=1753] [userID=66411] wow 10/10 meme control UMPlaugh how have you still not found a way to scrub sakimi just deal with it like any other meme

| [date=21120XX time=1757] [userID=24414] [userflag=OriginalPoster]

>[commentID=1931-1] That's the thing, it's not been seen *anywhere else.* Even Nintendo's stymied by this. Says he hasn't seen any meme like this. If Oenone was here I'd send her to go check it out but I'm worried it might affect her.

>[commentID=1931-2] This is the first time Sakimi's even moved, let alone duplicated. Containment wasn't a priority, and it's a very unconventional meme. Our usual methods won't work.

| Oenone? What does she have to do with this?

| Aww, someone leaked the notice... -Oenone

Total number of posts: 5, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1549425949

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