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tbh im kinda glad kira miki's dead or whatever

| she annoyed the hell out of me and her music was hella contrived. i mean, seriously... "your love is my drug?" pffdt


| >thinking it's cool to hate popular topics


| >>526794

| She's dead?? What'd I miss god dang'!

| >>526803
She ain't.

| I won't ask for anyone's moral compass here, but really now, wishing someone's death just for their music? That's an ancient joke only babies make. I don't know how much upvote you'll get from this. -xnbc

| Have fun being saged drekhead
No one insults our goddess

| >>526796

| >>526845

| >>526864

| >>526900

| >>526782
your love is *a* drug, cuck. at least know what you're talking about before you decide to be a faggot.

| >>526972

| >>526975 KIRA!

| Kek, qq moar neckebeards! mebbe you should break into her house and see if you can find the corpse, cause that's as close as youll get to fugging your fake gf


| Bet OP is a hardcore fan. Dunno if this is closer to the denial phase, or to the anger one, though.

Total number of posts: 17, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1549319488

This thread is permanently archived