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Tell Your Day?

| Hi, I am Eudes..
I'm in this cyberpunk city for about 3months now♡,This place is really amusing.The developer is genius! I just love this place sooo much.
So I came here just wondering/
How's The world In your Opinion s and experience hehe.....

| Okay everyone, any guesses what OP used to get this high? I want some of that shit.

| Is OP one of those alt-philosophy major who keeps calling the age as 'post-cyberpunk' or something?

Also, the land developer around GC is a scam - but of course they are, if they're lobbying for Quincy.

| The world's okay I guess. Bout the same as usual. Haven't seen a lot going on as of late.

| My day was alright I suppose. I'm glad you're optimistic about life in GC so far, but I'd recommend being careful. Lots of incidents happen here, especially in downtown.

I have a feeling you'd like Little Akibahara...if you go there, don't go at strange hours but feel free to enjoy the maid cafes and such.-Trill

| Well I killed someone...Atleast I hope so...

| >>494851

In my experience if you're not sure, they're not dead.


| >>494853
Oh I double tapped, I'm just saying

| >>494851 Why would you hope to kill someone for real?-Dicktator

| >>494874
Well because they weren't the greatest person

| >>494879 I hope you made the best decision. -Dicktator

| Well,Someone try to shoot up my workshop,didnt end well for them.Still,cleaning up the blood is a pain

| Don't get me wrong,the guy's not dead,I just fractured one of his leg and put around 3-4 bullets into his stomach.He will probably be fine after a surgery...

| I lost my hat, which sucks. If anyone finds it- It's a top hat with a checkerboard pattern, I got it from a friend -let me know and we can meet in Zilla Plaza. -REO

| >>495941

I can't be there in person, for the record, so just look for someone wearing a Speedwagon Foundation uniform. -Fastcart/REO

| >>6a1cdb >>6a1cdb


| >>494859
And this is still not a guarantee. Even with a Failure Drill, just because the boogey dropped doesn't mean he's dead.

| I gave somone my lilim to fuck for money, she was okay with it. Why am i crying?

| >>495941 Where did you lose your hat?

| >>496015

You know why, you dirty bastard. That's like your daughter, man.


| >>496038

Flooded District -Rapidtrolley

| My life sucks

| >>496284

Set the switch to blow then.


| >>496275 I'm not gonna ask what you were even there for sir...

Total number of posts: 25, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1543887390

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