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[Stream] ano.strm7631-9 [cont]

| ((continuation of https://dangeru.us/cyb/thread/377787))
>The stream freezes for a few seconds before jumping around erratically. Finally, a connection is re-established

"Ah shit. Just what we need, a bloody tin can."

>Over labored breathing comes a voice. Deep, bassy, definitely belonging to a large man. A silhouette approaches from the corner of the stream, accompanied by heavy footsteps. It scrapes the Lilim's pistol off the floor, sighing.

| "Literally."

>He tosses the pistol to someone off-screen, making his way to the staircase behind them, eyeing the Lilim for any sudden movement. Briefly, a dragging noise can be heard coming from the catwalks, followed by splashing footsteps, though that sound doesn't last long as the large man closes the door behind him.

| >The Lilim switches her gaze to the other man, far smaller in comparison to the brute that just exited. He approaches the Lilim, looking over her wounds, but she props herself up as quickly as she can, placing her back to a nearby wall. She clutches her chest wound with a shaky hand, keenly watching the man. She speaks up, her already vocoded voice showing traces of data corruption.

| "L-look... If you kill me now I'll just be put in a new body..."

>She pauses briefly to mull over her words, the excruciating pain she's enduring evident in her shaken voice.

"But if you let me live, I can help you... Help you finish this job. Help you get your mon-"

| >She doubles over in pain, letting out a cry, her still functional, twitching arm tightly clutching the gaping wound in her chest to little avail. After catching her breath, she speaks out again.

".... Help you get your money. I-I... I think I figured it out."




| "Bloody joytoy."

>The brutish man speaks out, entirely ignoring her, eliciting a quick glance from the Lilim. Meanwhile, the smaller man approahes.

"The hell you doing here, chummer? Urbexing?"

>He checks his phone.

"And what's this about money?"

"I saw the stream and got curious."

>The Lilim replies as she releases her wound, reaching for the base of her neck. She continues through gritted teeth.

| "You guys are, uh..."

>She catches her breath.

"Big Rigs, right? You're here to figure this out and get paid... I could help you out..."

>The large man outside pumps his shotgun, briefly drawing the Lilim's gaze.

"H-hey, uh... Aren't there four of you? There's four bikes sitting outside, so... The gunshots coming from the other side of the sewers..."

| https://dangeru.us/cyb/thread/377787

| >The bloated steps outside grow louder and louder before coming to a stop. The door shakes, heavy knocking dominating the soundscape.

“You in there? The valve, the valve Steve!”

>A bloated voice calls out from behind the door, the sound of dripping water closer than ever.

“Tha hell is he going on about-“

>The brute thinks aloud as the thinner man, center view, furiously scrolls away at his phone, his gaze flicking from the screen, the door, and to the Lilim behind the stream.

| "Yeah dere's four o' us but that's not important right now, tincan."

>He slowly reaches down for the Lilim, trying to move her out of the way of the door, prompting her to seize up in a defensive position, her hand still behind her head off-screen. Eventually she gives in and shuffles over with his help.

>Once settled, she leans her head back against the wall and takes a deep breath. Without warning, the feed is suddenly cut.

| >Moments pass before a connection is re-established. Initially it struggles to keep up, audio crackly and frames skipping, but it’s clarity returns eventually. The heavy, panicked breathing heard audibly from the Lilim is gone, instead replaced by an eerie, breathless silence that’s occasionally broken by a rogue spark or spasming limb.

| >The stream’s eyes flick back and forth from the two runners. The Lilim rises slowly, her movements comparatively smoother, seemingly shrugging off the pain that used to overwhelm her.

>Unsure on how to proceed, she takes a moment to collect her thoughts before her hand crawls into view, it’s white, synthetic skin torn and blackened with internal fluids.

“Uh… Evelyn.”

| “Roight…. Name’s Dizz.”

>The smaller man briefly shakes her hand, tapping away at his smartphone. Finally finding the time, the Lilim looks down at her smartphone, checking over stream chat. Seeing Bunker’s comment she quietly chuckles, the laugh a mixture of genuine entertainment and stress suppressant. She takes a moment before switching to the VCR stream and catching up.

"See her before hand...? Aw for the love of..." >Dizz mutters out.

| >The brutish man glances outside of the control room before turning back to the two.

"Lemme guess. More 'orror movie puzzles and drek."

"Yep... something straight out of that old British serial... uh... Doctor something...?"

>Partially listening to the conversation, Evelyn glances about the dimly lit room. Terminals dot the room, revealing a camera overview of the sewer system. Stacks of dusty paper litter the desks.

| >Sticking out like a sore thumb, however, is the hanged man in the center of the room. Long dead, his head’s ben removed, leaving the corpse hanging from a hook.

"Doctor who?" >The brutish man speaks, scratching his head with the barrel of his shotgun.

"Doctor- eh, nevermind.”

>Motioning her head towards the body, the Lilim inquires, making her way to the nearby console.

“Did you check him yet?”

| >Arriving at the terminals, she dusts off the screens, coughing and swatting away at rogue particles before peering into the screens.

“… They even put cameras in the sewer, huh?” >She sighs.

“This city…”

Total number of posts: 19, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1537293511

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