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| I'm not sure if it's real or not at this point, but I keep seeing myself. But not perfect replicas- various versions of me, exactly identical to me before my upgrades. Anyone know what could be going on?

| Stalk one and see what they do.
If they act like a regular person does (routines, eating food), maybe chat one up? Maybe you can make a bunch of best friends!
If they disappear around corners, maybe I don't know... Kidnap one??? You might be hurting a sapient person by doing that though.
Either way I'm not sure why you have this issue. Are you involved in some runner shit?

| No, no, no.

The way you got to do it is by running up to one, and shout:


And Pepper them full of lead.

| >>288861 Wasn't there a conspiracy theory that some company, don't remember, was making copies of people to replace them? Talk about being dramatic lol

| Do you mean, like, walking around? If so, then I don't know, but it's definitely interesting.
If it's not, and you mean seeing as in hallucinations, then you should probably go to a therapist.

| >>289040 Good advice, I think. But Runner shit is what pays the bills. As for more, don't think it needs said.
>>289050 That just SOUNDS like a bad idea.
>>289627 Never heard it, hope it's fake.
>>289631 I see them in public, mostly. As for what they do, it changes. Sometimes they're shopping, or drinking. Other times they stand perfectly still in windows watching me.

| appending
This shit has me messed up.

| >>290056
Well, then I suggest that you get in contact with one.

| >>290259 I probably should, but there's a lot that can go wrong. If I was anywhere else I'd call the police to look into it.

| >>290472
What could go wrong? Just carry some sort of weapon and hope for the best.

| >>290481I mean. They could try to kill me and be better at killing than me. But I'll give it a try.

| >>290484
Well, if they're better at killing than you, you die.

| >>290534 If I get replaced by a clone', kill them.

| >290536
How would I know? You might be, like, the 356th clone to take your own place already. Should I just kill all of you? I don't think that's legal though.

| >>290555
(im reading this, then fake fake psychotropic https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=AkcdT_dHJVg
Starts playing...)

To quote south park
"boy i wouldn't touch that with a 50ft long stick."


| Run a voight-kampff test on one of them to see if they're replicants. Of course if you have a voight-kampff machine lying around....

| I'm not exactly the machine person, heh. But I talked to one, or tried to. It ran away before I could say anything.

| >>290983
Next time, you stop it from running away. Tackle it, taze it, shoot it. At least do something.

| >>288861
Matrix rumor: there's a secret chatroom full of versions of the same guy. He was lost in an alternate reality experiment and used a box to get home. He found an alternate version of himself living with his wife. So he's furious, he's all "I'll geek that sumbitch and take his place." Finds a weapons dealer, but he says "I'm not selling you another gun, fraggin psychopath!" Turns out alternates of himself just keep coming out the box with exactly the same idea...


| >>291115
So now there's a war between all the copies, and the chatroom is neutral ground where the fngs take sides. So, um, been to any strange places lately? Like a box?


| >>291118
If that gets turned into an anime, I would be so fucking happy.

| I'm pretty sure I haven't came out of a box recently. But next time I see one I'll be a bit more aggressive.

| >>291125 Have you tried asking yourselves for nudes?

| I just chased myself down with a gun, and you're making a joke about nudes?

| >>291135
If he hasn't been able to interact with any of them, how would he have asked them for nudes?

Total number of posts: 25, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1526941521

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