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| My name is a bit too flashy to use it here, so I'm looking for a nickname. Sharing yours and suggestions welcome!

| Big Dick McCockish

| >>286646 that's even flashier but noice

| CheapBrick

| NonnewtonianWalrus

| Soryy

| Weebweeb

| Bismark

| I'd suggest something cool, but all I have is my handle~

| Sibeaster is my old online username and I give you permission to use it

| >>286795 Thanks i'll consider it

| BoySoy

| Signvalid

| If you wanted to get fancy with caps like me, you could even go for sigNvalid

| Trandor?

| >>286831


Then again, xXxXC0C|<L0r1)XxXx is a good choice, too.

| Something punny like vilvim is ok ∆

| Edd or J?

| I suggest PiCo. It's classy, non-flashy and old school.

| >>287896 Yeah that sounds nice. I'll go with M3 as in M3tro though.

| >>287901
Wow it would get kinda difficult to tell us apart.
Your M3 for M3tro
And im N3 for N3verW3re.

| >>288280 Oh yeah. I'll just go with the plain Metro then.

| >>288285
Who said that was a bad thing?
Whatever name or handle you got is perfectly acceptable.

I just thought it was funny.

| >>288292 Yeah I didn't notice your tag shorts down to N3 lol. I'll think about it

| >>288329
Bro that would be hilarious.

if we were both on the same thread people would be so confused.
Like "is that one N3verW3re or M3tro? Was it a typo? Was it actually N/M3? Uuurrrrggg?"

I dont know, perhaps i just find such things amusing.

| >>288336 Yeah I like that. See you around

| >>288337
Shit. It works. For a second there, I thought daddy was talking to himself.

| >>288337
Likewise, i look forward to seeing you around sir M3
Look out World.

| Also, what does your GG stand for?

| >>288376
General garret.

| >>288378

| >>288378 >>288379
That's correct.

| >>288384 Woah so you too mess your name up. Noice

| >>288391
I'm not sure I understand this statement.

| >>288397 I meant how someone kept messing up some Garrett's name in "the flooded treasure"

| >>288401
Ah. Crossing some fourth walls. I get you.

| >>288408 Are you kidding? They made an antire thread depicting their heist!

| >>288444 (i mean afterwads)

| >>288444

| >>288444 Now, now. Let's not get angry with each other one here.


| >>288449 ( sorry, i'm new to cyb and was too proud to admit it:( )

| I always go by Beil when I can.

| Thotitus Exterminatus

| >>288607
(I thought it was something like that. It's fine though. We'll just pretend it never happened.)

| Names are rather irrelevant in the grand scheme of things

| >>289149
That is quite true, but depending on your name, you could get different reactions from people. If you have a name they like, they might acknowledge it. Or they might make fun of your name. These kinds of small details is something that might potentially save your life. Not that you would know what effect your name would have on who, but still. It could be important.

| Mine is just clever wordplay. syhK can be rearranged into shy K, the first letter of my name. Or, if trying to read it, Sheik, or Psyche. If reading back words, it's Kiss.

| >>290073
Backwards it's closer to "kill yourself" than it is to kiss. Just pointing out the obvious.

| >>290257 I mean, fair. Let me add that to the list. But when you say it, Kiss~!

| >>290466
More like kyss, but I get you.

| Anything starting with a J is good enough.

Total number of posts: 52, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1526910330

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