Post number #1047680, ID: 98ca8b
I am enticed by the colorful sketches an old man makes on his notepad, but I refrain from disturbing him, nor do I capture the scene in a photo, merely wishing to stay in the moment. Conversation surround me, some in a foreign language I do not understand and as the metro slows to a halt I too wish threads lasted longer.
Post number #1047771, ID: 9f5482
Yes i am in the metro again to work. No i cant be bothered to write something nice about it. It's busy. The man next to me is sleeping. There you go i wrote something. Happy? Have a good one.
Post number #1047922, ID: 522580
I wish you could kiss him
Post number #1047982, ID: bf85a0
>>1047922 Sketching man or sleeping man
Post number #1048085, ID: c06a2c
>>1047982 I was thinking of sleeping man in case he was a price who would transform to be super pretty and rich and nice but you can kiss sketching man too if you see him! All g/u/rls should pursue their desires!
Post number #1048175, ID: 8d3f67
Missed the goddamn metro. Fuck I hope I can keep this job. Cogs in a machine my ass. This was machine was doomed from the start. It doesn't fucking work. What more can I do to survive this hellscape?
Post number #1048191, ID: 522580
You could marry me >< But why’d you miss it? I woke up late today and stayed up late last night over my bullshit avoiding life But if it was a simple thing that would be good Do you have a career path to make highly paid things? I want that I was looking at cool jobs last night.
Total number of posts: 7,
last modified on:
Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1741875332
| I am enticed by the colorful sketches an old man makes on his notepad, but I refrain from disturbing him, nor do I capture the scene in a photo, merely wishing to stay in the moment. Conversation surround me, some in a foreign language I do not understand and as the metro slows to a halt I too wish threads lasted longer.