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Present day 2005

| It's a sunny morning, sixth of march 2005. I'm on my usual commute in a bustling city. The streets are crowded. Everyone is on their way to work or school, minding their own business, and so am I. The smell of kebab fills my nose as I sit down to wait for the metro. I equip my earbuds and press play on my 2004 iPod. A song from an obscure emo band plays with a familiar intro. It says "Present day. Present time." A laugh follows before it fades into a melancholic blur of music.

| As the day comes to a close I make my way back to the trusty metro. The streets are just as busy as before, just painted in a different hue by the setting sun. I have a feeling this city does not sleep. Or perhaps it does when I do.
The people, if you stop and look around to observe them, are truly amazing. They move like organic cogs in a grand machine, but they each have their own things to attend to.

| ok

Total number of posts: 3, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1741282880

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